With Just A Couple Of Days To Go.. in The AnswerBank: News
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With Just A Couple Of Days To Go..

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Bigbad | 13:09 Tue 21st Jun 2016 | News
197 Answers
…If you were asked for advice by someone who is undecided how to vote on Thursday, in as few words as possible, what would you say?
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Can you still buy fish knives and forks?
Heals, Daisy, for those who are well-heeled.
Would have to be to travel that far
DT as far as I can make out, Cornwall in particular is not short of "tourists". The Cornish have always been very astute in choosing the type of "tourist" that they are willing to accommodate. Now the rest of Britain appears to have a similar problem. These "tourists" do not intend to go home at the end of the season. The problem is that the result of the "tourists" will not be a plus but a minus on finances of Britain. Cornwall does not run at a loss.
You are splitting hairs to the definition of a tourist, Togo...I am talking about the person who crosses the Tamar to enjoy downtime west of the Tamar and in the county that knows what a pasty and a proper scone, jam and cream is.

Actually, I would think that if incoming EU folk can find cheap and sufficient housing, there is sufficient year-around employment if one has flexibility to pick daffs and veg and then work in hotels, bars, restaurants etc - or even as tour guides to drive Brexiters off the Sennen Cove quay.
DTC, //I shall take great pleasure on Friday morning and may even raise a gloating 'Well, you have been well and truly..........naomi. Going to put a barrel of gunpower under democracy?' …… her true colours in this referendum debate have come to the fore....and they aren't mine when it comes to values. //

What on earth are you rambling on about now?
night naomi, dream well as you ain't going to win the vote.....and thank your beloved God.
Do you think this might be on the news (or ever off it) if Nigel Farage had said it?

DTC, had you been paying attention you would know that I don't believe 'Out' will succeed. Why do you insist upon making a fool of yourself so often?
My apology DTC for Not having responded sooner to you, I admit to having wasted a few hours on the Remain/Leave debate on TV.

You obviously come to conclusions whic sometimes are far from the truth.
Accordingly, whilst you have said "Hans, despite your Danish credentials in the past, I will.....once the mater is 8 feet under.", I am now asking you to explain to me and all ABers why you have made such a statement.

Facts are facts and, whilst my name is Hans, I have never claimed to be Danish. Please therefore explain exactly what you mean: especially '8 feet under'.


I think DT has been enjoying some liquid refreshment.
... for quite a few hours.
Maybe he's a Druid.
That's one word for it.
so the flag you have shown on your past avatar is? If not thatof Denmark, then I apologise

the 8ft under is a reference to my mother when (dare I say if) she exits this world....I would consider living somewhere in Europe if, by some odd probability, England and Wales went non EU.....

as to naomi, I have not tracked every single debate on the referendum because of the vitriol that you and your mates have admirably served up, so offputting and almost a magnitude above that of the mainstream Brexiters.

I am, of course, pleased if you are a realist -the bookies are rarely wrong on such a political two-horse race.
Sozzled on the solstice.
Zacs - exactly the sort of personal *** that has been dished out on AB to those who have a different view. So disappointing that you are incapable of arguing logically. Back to Dent for you and enjoy their excellent hooch. As for naomi, I wouldn't expect anything less, a woman devoid of any decent cynical humour.
DTC, and so you continue ....

Incidentally, only those who crave the endorsement of other people have 'mates' here. I'm not one of them.
I am not surprised at that. Who would want to be a mate of yours?
You can almost hear the slurring.

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