He's making good sense in that second clip (not watched the first). There will be no political change regarding leaving immediately, not need for it. (There's no accounting for the short term activity of panicked investors of course, but they will settle down, we are seeing bounces back already, but his main point was progress to leaving, not what goes on in other arenas.)
He mentions the UK not being any less united, which I suspect will prove to be the case once Scotland either decides not to play the jester and have yet another referendum; or at worst has another and the people realising that exiting the UK with no guarantee of getting entry into a failing EU, and not having the economic clout that the oil once gave them, is a bad idea and reject the motion yet again.
He also points out that we are still Europeans and will still have a relationship with the rest of Europe and interact with them, which is perfectly true.
I didn't spot any fairies.