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Remainiacs: Is It Morally Acceptable To Cheat The People Out Of The Referendum Result?

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ToraToraTora | 14:29 Thu 30th Jun 2016 | News
56 Answers
Sorry I did not want to post on this today but my hand has been forced. Gromit and co has ignored this question several times today. Even if by some sort of skulduggery the winners of the referendum can be cheated out of the result are you happy with that? Will the EU not see what a bunch of dishonorable popinjays we are and not want anything to do with us anyway?


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.....were in the EEE YOO
With all the time in the lead up, didn't they have time to draft plans for what they would do in light of either result?

Yes I know things need finalising etc but it is the uncertainty that is unsettling so many people.
Who are 'they'?
There is "take us out" and there is "take us out".

If major issues, such as 'free movement of people', is the price demanded for something, and they cave in over it, then that isn't really out, that is just a removal of rights/privileges.

I confirm that I am sceptical that a 'remainer' in charge would have the courage to achieve the minimum necessary as their priorities have already been proven to be in error compared to the majority of voters.
Mamyalynne, I don't think it ever seriously occurred to the government that 'Remain' wouldn't win the day.... and I don't believe the 'Leavers' expected to have ifs and buts thrown into the mix after the event. They voted 'Out' and they expected 'Out', pure and simple. That's what's causing the unrest.
"So, the question is, which democratic result wins? The referendum result, or the General Election won by a party standing on a "remain" platform?"

The referendum result of course. It was a single issue, single question. It was not part of a manifesto containing umpteen things. Any Liberal government that claimed otherwise would have a lot of civil unrest to cope with and it would be their own fault.
138 Conservative MPs were 'leave' on 22nd june according to this:

I'm pretty sure that thought it was a possibility.
I think you're correct, the result was unexpected but to not even consider it was in retrospect foolhardy.

I just wish things would go forward whatever they are rather than this seeming floating adrift.
that 'they' thought
Mamyalynne, such is misplaced confidence.
// the result was unexpected but to not even consider it was in retrospect foolhardy. //

Cameron told them Remain would win. Don't think for a second that there was not a contingency plan if the UK voted to Leave. It is in operation now. Cameron making the Party leaderless and therefore delaying invoking Art.50 for 3 months was the first step. Even naming the day 23rd June, two weeks before parliament closes for 3 months was probably also calculated to prevent anything happening immediately if the vote went OUT.
// Even if by some sort of skulduggery the winners of the referendum can be cheated out ...... //

easy one - there are NO winners from the result of this referendum
“It follows that the result is advisory…”

There is no facility in the UK for a legally binding referendum.

“There isn't even a hint of a 'deal' yet. An awful lot of law re-writing and negotiations to happen yet.”

Our departure is not dependent upon a satisfactory deal. The question asked of the electorate was “Should we remain or leave?” not “Should we remain or leave provided a satisfactory “deal” can be reached?” The negotiations to take place over the coming years are to establish our relationship with the EU after we have left it. Our leaving is not dependent upon the results of those negotiations.
“Three quarters of the House of Commons are against Brexit. So it won't happen.”

If I were you I should pop down to your local bookies, Gromit. You’ll get quite good odds about that at the moment.

“There will be an early election…”

To dissolve Parliament at least 16 Labour MPs will have to vote for it. Can you imagine that happening in the foreseeable future?

Lots of wishful thinking displayed here. Unfortunately not too much thought.
Answer to OP - 'No'. It won't happen.
I wouldn't want a second referendum but I can see that there may be no-one willing to find, and be capable of finding, a way of achieving Brexit that meets the expectations of the majority whilst also preventing a major hit on jobs, exports and the public finances. Maybe the pro-Remain stock market are confident a solution can be found within the EU as the FTSE has risen significantly again today
It's just correcting the over-reaction, IMO.
//Our departure is not dependent upon a satisfactory deal. The question asked of the electorate was “Should we remain or leave?” not “Should we remain or leave provided a satisfactory “deal” can be reached?” //

Quite right!
That's as may be, NJ, but to leave with an unsatisfactory deal that is also worse for literally everyone, rather than staying in that case, smacks of bloody-mindedness. It's the responsibility of our elected representatives to carry out our wishes, but they're also supposed to balance that with what is actually best for the country.
Up to a point, but getting rid of the unacceptable restrictions that led to a demand for a referendum is the priority. Even with no trade deal that must be achieved.

Then a fair trade deal for all is a reasonable expectation after that. But isn't a necessity as we can still trade under WTO anyway, but everyone should want to improve on that.

Ha ha...congratulations.

You're wringing every last drop out of this particular flannel!!//

Ha Ha. And you sp1814 would be wringing every last drop out your rainbow striped hanky if the Sexual Offences Act 1967 instigated by the Wolfenden Report was reneged upon not to mention the recent Civil Partnership Act wouldn't you.?
I sense you are becoming jittery but I cannot see why. You are not likely to be deported East in cattle trucks.

If the hate/race crime has risen by 57% can any one imagine just how unacceptable it will rise further if our neo nazis get wind that the democratic system has now crumbled?. Those rivers of blood unfortunately will not be an old man's fantasy vision of the future.!!
His awful vision will become true and then there may be GREAT cause for concern about hi-jacking the will of the majority who have fairly made their voice heard.

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