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Failure - he didn't manage to keep his mate in number 10
He tweaked this and that. Failed to pay down the debt.

Austerity, austerity, austerity, then pass on all the cost savings (translation: public service job losses) to the rich, as a tax cut.

20% VAT gives the 20% band a marginal rate in the 40s percent (if you factor in all the pi ddling stealth taxes)

We don't want the rich squeezed until the pips squeak, we just want them to feel the pain of taxation at the same level as we do.

has he definitely been replaced?
He's a creep and he got rid of his cat.

Unimpressed. He should have stimulated the economy by spending where we needed to fund things, and we'd probably have been out of the downturn ages earlier. But he tried this austerity stuff, as we expect from a right wing chancellor, and we crawled up slowly with maximum pain.
All the more reason to be out Hypo. Unless of course we end up with a "Brexit" that still demand money for something. Also a good reason not to have Osborne back in cabinet. Especially as chancellor.
Take a Tory Schoolboy
Give, a little power
Watch them like a Puffball
Burst into a shower

Show a magic number
Call it number ten
Eleven as a tit-bit
Then round and round again.

To the tune of round & round the garden like a Teddy Bear.
i've googled and googled and googled but can find no link to anything that might suggest that George Osborne has been displaced from his post as chancellor, or who his replacement is.

unless someone can tell us he's definitely gone, isn't it a bit premature to be talking in terms of his tenure having ended?
Did May get on with Gideon ?
The idea is that it's bound to be up at some point Mushroom. Imagine yourself then, what's your verdict based on what you know so far ?
"How did he do? "

compared to just about every and any labour chancellor ?....a runaway success
I'm not sure if he really is going or not.

But if he is, can he tell us how he is going to fill the gap in his calculations that was needed after the fiasco of his defeat in the House of Lords last October ?
I agree baz, a runaway success in comparison to Labour....and he's still in the job at the moment. It wouldn't surprise me if he stays as does PH at the FO, the question being who steps into the HO.....Grayling perhaps?
He missed his own targets repeatedly. I would have thought that is the definition of failure.
Gove for Brexit to make a bugggers muddle of it, Johnson out or a minor job....if he has to have a big one, the NHS would be delicious, leaving Hunt to shunt to something like Sport and England soccer manager.
If nothing else, he revived the vocal stylings of Piers Fletcher-Dervish. Otherwise, he buried a country.
Love the little ditty Ron!
Hammond's in line to take over, but we'll see. Other countries seemed to recover from recession a lot quicker. Osborne's austerity measures didn't work and as stated, he missed his own targets.

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