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Haven't We Had Enough Of These Anti-Democracy Protests?

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anotheoldgit | 14:27 Wed 13th Jul 2016 | News
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C'mon now! It's Summer time; time to gather and mingle; design some witty placards; daub a little paint on your face; compose some meaningful mantras; practice group-hugs; smile, or look disgusted, for the TV; take loads of selfies; cop a feel whilst hoisting one another onto shoulders; and, most importantly, print clearly on the back of your hand what it is...
14:59 Wed 13th Jul 2016
Move to China?
Tiresome as it may be, for some, these people *do* have Democratic right to protest...
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They don't know the meaning of the word jth, else why are they trying to change the outcome of a democratic vote?
Because, in their view, Democracy hasn't been 'done'...
The sooner Article 50 is implemented the sooner these futile protests will cease
The EUSSR is still there, will they be moving? Make room for the people who want to be in the UK.
C'mon now! It's Summer time; time to gather and mingle; design some witty placards; daub a little paint on your face; compose some meaningful mantras; practice group-hugs; smile, or look disgusted, for the TV; take loads of selfies; cop a feel whilst hoisting one another onto shoulders; and, most importantly, print clearly on the back of your hand what it is you're protesting for or against on that particular day.
Is this thread in protest of the protest?

Won't you give me some time to understand your mind?

I'd like to see a marked improvement in design of banners and placards - otherwise I don't pay them much attention.
Enabled, hate to be thwarted. Dolly and pram time. Grow up.....
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/// Because, in their view, Democracy hasn't been 'done'... ///

Don't you mean "the democratic vote did not go in their favour"?
Care to explain why it is 'anti-democratic' AOG?
I like the way that, even after all these years, new generations are still learning how 6" tall letters do not show up on camera footage if they're as thin as a marker pen nib.

I think I'll start a protest about Microsoft's decades-ling insistence on using the word "font" when what they meant is "typeface".

Now, where's that Father Ted clip…
order another lorry load of SG AOG! Yes JTH they have the right but change the record! The vote was clear, if there are more remainers then they could not be ***** to vote, irrelevant. Live with it remains, as we would have
They are not such a bad thing, they get the great unwashed out in the fresh air, I mean that's got to be good for them, hasn't it?
I thought that said...

//order another lorry load of SAGO//

I'd better have a lie down.
eddie; "Care to explain why it is 'anti-democratic' AOG? " - I'll take that one AOG if I may. Because they would if you let them nullify the vote and override the wish of the 52% that beat them. They are protesting because their side lost and they want it overturned by whatever welching technique would work for them. It would be like losing 2-1 and then disallowing the 2 goals after the game. They doing their utmost to be dishonourable. That is anti Democratic.
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If it needs explaining, it is far too late.
It's not anti democratic, it's the essence of a democracy.
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Thank you TTT.

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