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Your Verdict On Cameron As Pm

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sp1814 | 14:26 Wed 13th Jul 2016 | News
46 Answers
What do you think about his Premiership?

I would rate him 7/10.

To me, he was what I call 'a good Tory'. Genuinely felt sorry for him the day after the Referendum. I'm personally happy that Tezza May has taken over as she represents the type of Tory who seems modern and forward-looking.

How do you feel about David?


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It will be easier to judge it in five or ten years, maybe.
A good Tory? coming from you SP that means he was on your side of politics ie left of centre.

And it doesn't look good for us if you are also happy regarding May.
In comparison to Thatcher I guess he was a good Tory.
He always handled questions very well even if he was lying through his back teeth.
as PM in his own right or as part of coalition or in total for the 6 years?

Personally, I don't rate him even as high as 7/10, maybe 1/10
He said he will miss Larry the cat and said he loved him. Aww, glad he's an animal lover.
Being ironic, Patsy? He rides with the Heythrop Foxhunt.
I thought he became weaker and more spineless during the last year.
Don’t waste any sympathy on him, sp. It’s not like he’s going to be joining the dole queue or going to the bottom of the council house waiting list, I’m sure he will survive!
He tried to be everything to everyone. Spineless waffler. Gone now, goodbye,don't write.
Started off well and then lost it somewhere along the way
I've seen 13 PMs come and go. Bottom of the pile was Heath, and I say that as a life-long Tory.
Infinitely better for the Country than any Labour PM.
Not Chamberlain then Jack?
Chamberlain was before my time, cheeky git!

///Infinitely better for the Country than any Labour PM///
Attlee was pretty decent
Oops, sorry Jack :-)
apologies, off topic, but thanks to Danny and Jack for bringing a smile to my face, it's a good day when strangers can do that for another stranger.

Really don't think Cameron was a good 'deal-maker' like Mrs May could be, when he was looking for agreements from the EU, he should have sent her and then maybe, just maybe, the result of the referendum might have been different?
Started OK then became contemptuous of the electorate. Waving his paper from Europe and coming back with it blank He kept his word to give us the referendum even though he thought we had snowballs chance of leaving. Bit of an own goal there. :-) I suppose he didn't dream up WMD somewhere for us to chase. That was a bonus. As a Tory supporter 4/10
Frugal Fred, THEMOTLEY1. ;-))
Minus 3

"See me in my study".

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