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Is Mr Singh Also A 'usual Suspect' ?

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youngmafbog | 22:58 Fri 05th Aug 2016 | News
64 Answers
Neighbour Parmjit Singh said: 'His mental health problems are a scapegoat.

So certain people on here like to label other on here or derogatise them because of the plain obvious

So now the truth out would they also like to include Mr Singh in thw sweeping subject? (The Chair) ?

To solve this problem we have to remove the PC taboos and discuss it warts and all, the hand wringer s have to take a hike.


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This man has been described as a Norwegian citizen, of Somali origin, on many occasions since the event took place, so I am not sure what the Usual Suspects are on about here.

There is no evidence of terrorism at all, but plenty that he is mentally unstable.
//Almost before the knife fell to the ground the Met Police PR spokesman was on the airwaves saying the attack was triggered by mental issues//

Really, were you there?
Mikey, Where is the 'plenty of evidence' that he is mentally unstable?

He was described initially in both the BBC and Sky headlines as 'Norwegian'. Only later in the 'blurb' did his ethnicity emerge. That, to me, stinks.
If this man was a Norwegian, with a white skin, would we be doubting that he has mental health issues ?
Islay, the reader didn't need to be there. The initial reports described him as mentally unstable.
Mikey, //If this man was a Norwegian, with a white skin, would we be doubting that he has mental health issues ?//

Probably not, but he isn't - he's a Somali - and in the current climate that, even for the most avid 'defender', must ring alarm bells.
Could it be that as soon as he was identified by the police the suspect's health records would have been examined? That would have given grounds for the mental health issues statement.
Could be. Quick off the mark though.
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That's commendable, surely, hastening to reassure the population that the city hadn't been subjected to another terrorist attack .
AOG...tosh !

Americans are immeasurably safer walking our streets, than they would in be in the average town back home.
From my calculations Zakaria Bulhan had been resident in this country since he was about 5 years old; so, given that he is of Somalian heritage, he must have been only briefly 'Norwegian'.

There were witnesses to this horrendous attack and he was said to be raving and perhaps the Police, having been informed what he had been shouting, were in a good position to state that mental-health issues were responsible for the attack?
Could he have been known to he police already?
Yes Mikey Americans are probably safer walking our streets than back home but AOG does have a point.The crimes of robbery,rape and murder reported in the papers and on the TV these days seem to be being perpetrated,in the main,by failed "asylum seekers"/illegal immigrants who the Police and Immigration services continue to deal unsuccessfully with.
If this man had indeed tried to commit suicide 3 times in the past, then it is highly likely the police were involved and his history already known to them.

Also, we know he was incapacitated by the use of a Taser, which suggests the police had a face to face confrontation with him, and could access his behaviour and state of mind at the time of capture.
Mikey, I don't think it is tosh. That lady wasn't safe walking our streets.
TBH the assailant could have been standing on his tippy toes, wearing a clowns outfit, blowing bubbles from his hears and shouting ‘Trump is Great’ and the usual suspects would still pick up on his colour and religion.

This crime is terrible and no one has said it wasn’t but it is a shame that as usual they are happy to lay this crime at the door of a few instead of a terrible situation of mental health.
All I can say is if he did try to commit suicide this year, pity he didn't succeed then this poor woman would still be alive, the others would not be injured and families devastated!
In this country we introduced a 'dangerous dog' act, perhaps now the time has come to introduce a 'dangerous persons' act?

Perhaps the cases of robbery, rapes and murder that do not involve asylum seekers, are not being reported. Obviously I could furnish you with stats for those crimes that would show only a tiny number are pertetrated by asylum seekers, but I can't be bothered.

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