Obviously we keep holding referenda until the British people get it right, NJ!
Seriously, though... this does expose the problem with referenda in this country's democracy, at least (and indeed, in any other's). The losers tend to want a rerun as soon as possible, and the winners tend to want the issue to be regarded as closed until the end of time. And the difference between the two outcomes on even huge issues can sometimes be razor-thin. At least when other countries hold a referendum the majority needed for change is usually required to be convincing, eg 55% or higher, which is not unreasonable.
Of course Cameron, fool that he was, was so confident of victory that he never bothered to establish all this from the start. Too late now. Oh, and yes, this is sour grapes speaking in part. Although on the other hand if Brexiteers are tired of hearing this argument they might reflect on how in future this would mean that a "Breverse" referendum (in, say, 30 years' time if the public will is there) would need the same conditions imposed, so really I'm imposing a stringent condition on overturning the result of June 23rd, rather than on confirming it.