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Battle Of Orgreave, Enquiry, Really?

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ToraToraTora | 22:04 Wed 14th Sep 2016 | News
35 Answers
What could they possibly be inquiring about? Both sides contributed to the whole period of confrontation. What could be served by digging up a single skirmish from 32 years ago?


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There was some VERY dodgy policing of the miners strike and the press reports were highly biased. A lot of similarities to Hillsborough !
It's NOT just the one incident !
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it wasn't the police that committed and got away with muder:
They murdered a cab driver and were out of jail in 4 years, have an inquiry about that.
An inquiry into the policing of the miners strike would include the David Wilkie death. Read your own link!
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I can't see any reference to wilkie in that link but what would they be inquiring about? It's 34 years ago and all we need to know is public record anyway.
Some VERY dodgy policing of the miners strike. Is that what the papers have said, or were you involved Eddie.
'Can't see any reference to Wilkie in that link' ??
The title of the link is ''The Death of David Wilkie''
It goes on to say that there is a case that the death was not murder but rather an unfortunate incident due to the circumstances / tactics of the strike. The miners were attempting to block /stop police vehicles by dropping blocks of concrete on to the road. Unfortunate and arguably inappropriate but committed during the larger confrontation of the strike and how it was being policed.
Davemo there are very many reports of bad police procedure in the miners strike from many sources. No I was not there but I can read !
Just as I thought - the views of a newspaper - did they say how the policing was VERY dodgy. Yes, I too can read but which of the conflicting reports were accurate, only those present know the truth and then they are unlikely to give further detail, that is if they are still alive.
only those present know the truth and then they are unlikely to give further detail, that is if they are still alive.

Talbot - seems straightforward to me. Some miners and some police may have died in the past 34 years, but any still alive are unlikely to give anything new to a NEW enquiry.
I can't remember the old inquiry but maybe this time they will listen to the likes of Mike Freeman?

They need to uncover the cover up.
Talbot - yes I agree, just local but not an in depth enquiry, but I cannot see that they are going to learn an more that what is already known. This is the point I was making above.
TTT....nice to see that you have already made your mind up !....Now don't confuse me with any facts please !
Davemano, Is that not exactly what people were saying about Hillsborough until a full inquest found the truth?
Same police force, same controversial tactics, same chief constable who was severely criticised at the Hillsborough inquest!
I would have thought that there are many miners from Yorkshire on here that was involved in that strike, I would like to know their views, I was driving at that time but not a tipper.
Eddie has made a very point here.

Exactly the same objections were made about Hillsborough. It took 27 years to get to the truth, despite all the objections about holding the Inquiry in the first place.

There will always be people that have made their minds up, and refuse to be confused by the facts.
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what link are you talking about eddie? I'm talking about the Guardian one I posted. "The miners were attempting to block /stop police vehicles by dropping blocks of concrete on to the road." - err and that's not at all dangerous is it? Right oh!
TTT....not sure why you are against an Inquiry ?

Were you against the Hillsborough Inquiry as well ?
//not murder but rather an unfortunate incident due to the circumstances / tactics of the strike//

justifiable homicide then Eddie? so it's now OK to kill those that left wingers consider to be "scabs"?
TTT Why start a thread and then instantly derail it with an incident that has nothing to do with your OP?

Didn't they spend 5 years in prison?

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