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Hillary The Champion Of Equal Rights

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joggerjayne | 23:51 Wed 12th Oct 2016 | News
60 Answers

At 0:15

Interviewer: "Do you think New York State should recognise gay marriage?"

Hillary: "No!"

She should come and stand for election in Brighton, lol.

To give Hillary credit where due, at least she is consistent ... (she will consistently lie about her true beliefs if she thinks it will win more votes)


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Amazing, absolutely amazing, Clinton makes a anti-gay remark, and it is ignored by the usual suspects, turning this thread into yet another anti-Trump thread.
Gromit, I know why it’s been released now – so that people can leap upon it and make of it what they will, as you and jno have. I don’t like either of the candidates much – I’m pleased I don’t have to choose between them - but I don’t like to see anyone being blatantly misrepresented by people who claim things like “And now Trump has the Paedo Vote”, as you did, and jno claiming that he’s looking upon 10 year olds as ‘potential sexual partners’. .That’s spiteful.
Clinton has been consistently inconsistent in her views and wouldn't know the truth if it helped her into the side-door of a van....
Trump is an odious individual whose sense of 'entitlement' encompasses all women unfortunate to fall into his orbit....

/// jno, in ten years she would no longer be a child. I say my handsome little nephew is going to be a heart-breaker when he grows up, ///

Absolutely Naomi, I was going to put almost the very same, only from the opposite sex angle ie

Just look how lovely she looks, she is going to break some boy's hearts when she grows up.

And I wonder how many of these anti-Trump AB mothers have not allowed their young daughters to paint their faces and dress like adult girls at various times?

Or even thought it marvellous when a foreign waiter, Airline staff, or holiday camp host, takes a fancy to their teenage daughter?

And don't tell me it doesn't happen, because I've seen it on numerous occasions, on past various holidays.

It is straight forward inappropriate behaviour. No excuses. It is not spiteful to judge the man on his actions.
I would venture that there is a world of difference between, "S/he's going to be a heart-breaker when s/he grows up" and "I shall be dating her when she grows up."

And AOG, the rest of your post is deflective rubbish...
Gromit, well then judge him on his actions and not on your twisted interpretation of his actions. He has said nothing that should lead you to conclude that he has the "Paedo Vote" - nevertheless that is your conclusion - and it's an appalling thing to say.

/// And AOG, the rest of your post is deflective rubbish... ///

So pleased about that, coming from the likes of you, it proves that what I have put has hit a raw nerve, and since the only response you know, is for you to rubbish anything that goes against your own particular agenda.
Man goes into a lift and says to a 10 year old girl, I am going to be shagging you in 10 years, is this ok as well?

/// Man goes into a lift and says to a 10 year old girl, I am going to be shagging you in 10 years, is this ok as well? ///

Oh dear, some will go to any lengths to try and get their point over. raw nerve hit; just frustration at your inability to stick to the topic and your insistence on dragging in unconnected scenarios to bolster your point of view.
where is the line AOG?
RandyMarsh, // Man goes into a lift and says to a 10 year old girl, I am going to be shagging you in 10 years, //

Did he say that?
Where is the line Naomi?

RandyMarsh, did he say it to her?
I have not said he did, I asked if this is also ok.
RandyMarsh, //Man goes into a lift and says to a 10 year old girl, I am going to be shagging you in 10 years//

He didn't say that? In that case your question doesn't apply.
Who has made you the arbiter of this thread please Naomi?

Can i see your badge?
RandyMarsh, you asked me a question - one that is irrelevant to this discussion. If you want it answered, perhaps someone else will oblige.
No badge then.

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