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Sturgeon Intends To Keep Scotland At 'very Heart' Of Europe

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naomi24 | 15:06 Sat 15th Oct 2016 | News
51 Answers
Scotland at the very heart of Europe? Is this woman really that delusional?



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As usual Naomi you are correct, I'll leave this thread to the experts. Cheerio :-)
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anneasquith, thank you. Bye bye.
I agree murdo. Scotland are tired of " politics" at the moment, I think just sit back and see what becomes of breitx, And assess TM at her job.
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If there is another referendum it will be without the consent of the London parliament. Which could be interesting ...
Nicola Sturgeon is playing poker with Scotland's future. If the Scots vote to leave the UK she will have gone 'all in' with a 3 and a 8
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divebuddy @ 18:00, precisely. And she intends to keep Scotland at the very heart of Europe. You couldn't make it up!
If there is another referendum it will be without the consent of the London parliament. Which could be interesting ...

Not according to EDDIE51 ... there is some clause written into the first referendum allowing it.
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I think this woman is Dangerous.
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//Mr Salmond said that England voting for a Brexit against the wishes of Scots would trigger a “significant material change” clause in the SNP’s 2015 general election manifesto allowing Ms Sturgeon to call a referendum.

He said: “There will be a Scottish referendum if and when the Scottish parliament decides there should be one and there is nothing that David Cameron, Boris Johnson, any combination of the two can do about that – that is just what will happen.”//
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I'm not saying that not having the consent of the London government or parliament would prevent Scotland holding one.
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My view of the EU referendum is that two self governing parts of the UK opted to stay and two (if you include England) voted to leave. And given that the majorities in all cases were pretty decisive, that makes a pretty poor mandate for Leave. These differences will test the uk apart, especially if the Brexit terms look unfavourable to the uk
'Tear' apart
FENDER, for a woman you describe as "corbyn in a dress and not thinking of the needs of scotland, just her own socialist agenda that does not work in the 21 century." it's odd how her party received 50% of the vote and won fifty-six out of fifty-nine seats at the last election.
Godwin's Law, TCL, Godwin's Law.

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