//Ninefingers....you and Mrs May lost today !
UKIP can't even meet in a closed room without throwing punches at each other. The last Leader managed to go for just 18 days, before she ran off with an attack of the vapours.
If you are waiting for the UKIP Cavalry to ride over the horizon, by winning dozens of new seats in Parliament, you will have a very long wait ! After many, many years of campaigning, they are still left with a singe seat in the HOC.
Aaron Banks, who has been single-handedly bank roling the Party, saiid this recently :::
"If Neil Hamilton and Douglas Carswell [UKIP's only MP] remain in the party, and the NEC decide that Steven Woolfe cannot run for leader, I will be leaving UKIP "
Yesterday, on the Today Program he said this :::
He also called UKIP's one MP, Douglas Carswell, a "pain in the backside" and urged him to rejoin the Conservatives. //
Ahh Mikey, you over estimate my importance and sense of loss, I lost nothing today other than my faith in the will of the people of this country and the democratic sanctity of a vote. Instead a precedence has been set whereby every constitutional element of our existance will be judged by yet more unelected people, lawyers really are the leeches of the world.
You also underestimate the power of the people and as you and the jubilant remainers sit back and stroke your egos in the hope that somehow parliament will contrive to block Brexit it takes a very small group of the 17mill plus to join UKIP or the other right wing parties and become a force in UK politics. It can happen and will happen because those who felt they might now have a voice that the government would listen to have had the two fingers stuck up at them by a bunch of non-entities who are only interested in their own best interests.