Well this got interesting, did Jim360 hang around with the popcorn supplies? I see Mikey flounced early.
What changed yesterday was the idea that the will of us, the electorate, was the over riding authority in the UK, we are offered a vote, we vote and expect the results of that vote to be respected.
What happens now? Do we ask the lawyers and the high court to affirm the results of every election/referendum/heated discussion over cakes that we have in the future? Do we kowtow to the lefty elite, the "Right On" multimillionaire Socialists like the one who brought this action.
The outrage at this is because of the perceived breach of trust, the trust that allows the people to accept the basic tennets of democracy whatever the results; that's gone because the handwringing whingers spurred on by clowns like that idiot Corbyn or worse that blithering idiot Tony B Liar and that woman in Holyrood.
On the opposite of this is Farage, who I've always thought of as a bit of a comedy politician, bit like B Liar to be honest but it didn't take much to put the fear of god (other deities are available) into the established parties Tory or the looney lefties and that's what's going to happen again. He's going to scare the living daylights out of the main parties by mobilising the bulk of the 17 million people who voted to leave, that kind of level of votes will destroy the main parties. He made a glib statement after the referendum about resigning because he's delivered Brexit, if there is even a suggestion of welching on the vote as we expect, civil war will happen with Nigel Farage at it's head because only he has the cojones to do it!
Anyway, Mikey and TTT will be up soon so pass the coffee and popcorn someone