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Shock Horror - Katie Hopkins States Something Everyone Can Agree With ...

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andy-hughes | 15:50 Wed 09th Nov 2016 | News
91 Answers
“Pollsters have demonstrated - once again- why they are an utterly defunct source of information.”

You can't argue with that!


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Andy can edit his own posts, like the rest of us cannot. Some Abers are more equal than others!
Oh dear, you have just made poor Mickey's day even worse!
TTT, he absolutely cannot edit his posts.
he said Katie Price initially, somehow it got changed.
15:06: "Oh no!

I meant Katie Hopkins!!!!

Age really is catching up with me!!! "
He cannot edit his posts.
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TTT - Groundhog Day strikes again ...

I cannot edit any posts - it is not a facility offered to Moderators, and even if I could, I would never edit my own.

I reported the thread to the Editorial Team and asked them to edit the name for me because I had made a mistake, and they were kind enough to comply.

So once again you accuse me of manipulation, and once again I have to correct you.

Please try and remember!

Thank you.
ok fair enough can we all get our typos/errors fixed like this?

//Some Abers are more equal than others!//

Looks that way!
Next time you make an error in your thread title, you too can request it be put right.

I've had occasion to do so and I carry no clout.
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TTT - //ok fair enough can we all get our typos/errors fixed like this? //

Apology accepted.

Yes, you can.

And if you could spend one tenth of the time you use looking to have a go at me for abusing my position as a Moderator, and use it to write down the answers I have to keep giving you so you can refer to them in future, you could stop cluttering up the site with your endless petty accusations, and I could stop cluttering up the site refuting you nasty inferences that I manipulate this site to suit myself.

Thank you.
Just to confirm, I changed the title for Andy. The Eds are the only people who can edit posts, and we're happy to amend mistakes in titles upon request.
think there has been enough Andy bashing now don't you ??
Yes, murraymints. It is his birthday, after all!
Who care what this woman thinks or says about anything !

Be fair, as he and SpareED. confirmed he made a mistake, it was kinda self-inflicted, we is none of us perfect is we?

You obviously do Mikey as you react to her so much.
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Happy Birthday, anyway, Andy.
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