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I saw that earlier, and my heart broke for the laboratory monkeys.
Interesting. I'd have thought they'd put the transmitters/receivers either side of the break though.
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Boo, there's always a down side. We might feel differently if one of our loved ones could one day soon walk again...
That's fantastic!

\\\ I'd have thought they'd put the transmitters/receivers either side of the break though.\\

I suppose they could BUT where in the Central Nervous System would you find impulses that when stimulated just innervate the legs and no other part of the body? In the Frontal lobe of the brain. Stimulate that area and you would get an accurate and discreet response from the leg muscles.
If the electrode was placed in the spine, above the injury, all sorts of sensations would be stimulated....heat, pain, touch..all would be exagerated when only movement would be required.
Unfortunately, animal experiments are essential in medical research.
There are VERY strict rules about how the animals are treated and what can and cannot be done.
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Yeah strict rules like in abattoirs !! Under cover filmimg has exposed allsorts of horrors that go on in these establishments over the years. Governments just do not care.
chanel5, The rules are here
Just for a start EVERY proposed experiment MUST be put before the 'ethics committee' for them to decide to, allow the work, suggest imporovements, suggest an alternative, or not allow the work at all. No work can even be started before the committee have ruled it is OK.
The UK rules are so strict that many companies try to relocate the work to other places where there is less restriction. There is considerable effort put into preventing this or banning companies that do it from operating or selling in the UK.
hereiam What you say is in the past at least in the UK.
Every company that undertakes research using animals in the UK , MUST have a Home Office licence. The regulation is VERY rigorously enforced
It is NOT!! I've see too many under cover films to know that the workers in these vile places treat the animals terribly, but you go on believing they are 'regulated' if it makes you feel better !
Top flight Medical Rea search facilities?

If you have undercover film of bad practise going on then you should make it public.
^ Research, sorry.
Yes, and I personally do not have any film! It's what I've seen (on TV once) and at screenings by organisations trying to stop the cruelty that goes on (who then lobby the Government), and what I've read in the papers and so on and so on.
This is the type of news story that really makes me feel happy.
To know that there could be a light at the end of the tunnel for so many people who had lost hope.

To those of you concerned about experimenting on animals: I do understand where you are coming from, (and I like animals too) but I don’t know if you (or anyone you love) has had a serious illness, but I have, and if it means a few monkeys or rats had to be experimented on for me to get better, then it’s tough luck monkey and ratty. (Although I only advocate humane testing, not deliberate cruelty).
It’s not like cherished family pets are kidnapped and used in these tests.
hereiam, yes I have seen those sorts of programmes but not for years - recently??
There are other countries that practice vivisection - not just the UK so I don`t know why people think the whole world adheres to UK standards. "It`s not like cherished family pets are kidnapped and used in these tests" No, but if Rover is unlucky enough to find himself in a dog pound in the US, he could well end up being used in vivisection. There`s no point in trying to sanitize the whole thing as it is pretty horrendous regardless of whether or not people think it`s necessary.
If that really does happen, 237SJ, then that is of course horrendous.
But I wonder if faced with a choice between life in a wheelchair (or worst case scenario, a slow painful death), or a cure that has been developed by testing on animals, how many people would turn down the cure.
hereIam, Yes, I know what you are talking about and medical research using animals is a most emotive subject. But PLEASE be assured that the places you saw on the films have not existed ( in the UK at least) for very many years. Modern medical research is VERY VERY expensive and VERY competitive. Any company that heard a suggestion that a competitor was using unethical techniques would take the greatest pleasure in reporting them and taking advantage of their stupidity by seeing them lose their home office licence!
I have worked at several different medical research labs and know for a fact that the animals are treated with the utmost respect. I have life long friends who are 'animal technicians' and have responsibility for the welfare of animals. They all LOATH anyone who has less than full respect for the animals used in their laboratories and will simply refuse to supply them with animals. In a research lab the animal technicians word is law !! if they say 'No' that team just does not get supplied!
Been there got the T shirt!
A modern medical research lab values its reputation above all else!
They have far too much to lose to allow anything other than the highest standards of animal welfare! Just one bad report would see them lose a huge % of their funding !! Money talks even in animal research !!
I do feel for the monkeys, but if people will be able to walk again, then that is great news.

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