“I shall take that as a statement of fact, rather than a cynical comment.”
It was both, Khandro.
“He is after all, courageously speaking out at grave risk to himself, on your behalf, for what you believe in.”
He’s certainly not speaking on my behalf. I don’t believe in, or have any wish to see a “ ‘German Islam’ based on liberalism and tolerance,”. I don’t wish to see any version of Islam in Germany or anywhere else in Europe. This is particularly so bearing in mind that the version of Islam that Herr Schaeuble is an impossibility.
I know a few “peaceful” Muslims as well, jourdain. They don’t go around blowing people up or beheading infidels. But the religion they adhere to still teaches the subjugation of and discrimination against women and an abhorrence of gay people, not to mention the complete intolerance of any other religion or, for that matter, of people who have no religion at all. Peaceful they may be but they share beliefs that I so not want to see embedded in the UK or anywhere else in Europe.