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Castro's Dead. So What?

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10ClarionSt | 08:28 Sat 26th Nov 2016 | News
42 Answers
The only thing he ever did for us was frighten us to death when we young teenagers because we thought there was going to be a nukiller war. Good riddance I say.


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Did carolegif, mikey and horselady all go to the same school?
Sqad....09:45....thanks....I was aware that their Health Service was of a high standard, but not to the extent that you have given details about.
It's no longer of a high standard, Mikey. I speak from an experience earlier this year when Mrs NJ and I attended a hospital in Holguin to help a fellow guest who had broken her ankle. The building was decrepit and delapidated and whilst the staff did their best it was not the sort of place I would like to be treated.
Don't think we did Talbot! I went to George Spicer School in Enfield! But the whole country thought we were a minute away from a nuclear war. In the end, Kennedy called Kruschev's bluff.
I had to study Cuba as part of my degree and although Castro invested in health, culture (arts) and illiteracy, the infrastructure fell into decline and when Gorbachev brought in Glasnost, Russia stopped all the aid. That is why things have deteriorated.
Cuban people happy that he has passed away, celebrating in the streets .
When Thatcher went the same thing happened in the UK, perhaps , she was not TGL in every ones eyes?.

I think the celebrations were in Little Havana in Miami.
I was just wondering how they knew the story of the boy, corolegif ;0)

One boy asked if he could go home as he wanted to be with his parents when he died.. The form mistress (the RE teacher) told us "I can guarantee that you will all be here tomorrow, so don't worry, that's why they are called deterrents". And she was right.

I too recall that !

I remember that too,
"When Thatcher went the same thing happened in the UK, perhaps , she was not TGL in every ones eyes?."

Indeed she wasn't, gulliver. The difference is that those who did not support her but knew how we respect the dead here in the UK did not take to the streets to celebrate the death of an 87 year old lady.
i think they were referring to the fear we all had.
you are so, so wrong new judge, cast your mind back , to when she died and what record was being played , yes n/j it was DING DONG , The Witch Is dead, remember ?. fact.
"...cast your mind back , to when she died and what record was being played , yes n/j it was DING DONG , The Witch Is dead, remember ?. fact."

Yes I do remember it, gulliver. And my point still stands (if you'd care to read it properly). Whatever our politics, those of us who now how to conduct ourselves properly (and that's the important bit which you seem to have missed somewhere so I'll repeat it) those who know how to conduct ourselves properly do not dance in the streets and sing childish jingles when the death of a frail, 87 year old woman is announced.

I (politically) despise Tony Blair with all my heart. I believe he, together with Gordon Brown, did more damage to the UK than Mrs Thatcher ever did. But I know how to behave myself (because my parents taught me) and I would not celebrate his death.
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Wrong again new judge, Thatcher did more harm to the the UK than any PM in history .
A matter of opinion, gulliver, which we need not debate here. But whatever her politics she died a frail old lady who had been ill for some time and that was no time for childish celebrations (except if you are childish).
Where when and where were you Radicalized then?
I agree with NJ ..mrs Thatcher was a strong woman and did a lot of good in her time..whether or not you agree with her policies you have to admire her fortitude and spirit...her passing was sad as it would be for any person in decline at the end of life..and disrespectful..and churlish to take pleasure in her demise

gulliver, you come over as very naive imo.
// Mikey... the health care in Cuba in the 60's and 70's was well run, of high standard //

the rock bottom maternal mortality rates and neonatal death rates were due to the [adult] literacy campaigns apparently
Literacy was a big thing for Cuba and Castro but they were unaware of the effect it would have on health

usual gloss on - you can close the hospitals and it will have no effect on death rates but they will plummet if you supply clean water, bogs that flush and vaccines and education so that the girls know not to become pregnant and what to do if they do. - oh and a decent diet

usual marxist gloss on 'hospitals dont work' idea

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I'm not bothered one way or the other !

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