Paddy....its been a very long time since I was in school but history was one of my special subjects and I seem to recall that the period in question was indeed referred to as the "English Civil War"
Even that wasn't terribly accurate as it affected Wales quite considerably as well as England.
It had a significant effect on our future British history though....beheading a crowned Monarch was a pretty big affair back then....something we haven't seen again since.
I have always maintained that a full civil war will never happen in a country like ours, as it did France, Russia and other places. Regicide is a nasty thing, after all.
Anyway, our customs would prevent a full-scale civil war from ever being successful....we would always be breaking for Tea, or to dress for dinner, or something similar.
One of my favourite Noel Coward quotes, ::::
“Wouldn't it be dreadful to live in a country where they didn't have Tea?”
Our very Britishness has saved us from all that undignified rioting in the street, and all those tiresome barricades !