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Zacs-Master, //They are gaining popularity because they spew out vote wining soundbites which those with no political acumen see as the answers to today's problems.//

I’m not sure that all the people who vote for those held in such disdain by you who pride yourselves upon the possession of ‘political acumen’ should be denigrated so, but the politicians to whom you award such an accolade are not addressing their concerns. That’s the point.
Neither are the ones you support.
Who would that be?
You must have missed a bit. I've said several times that I'm very pleased I didn't have a vote in the US elections.
We seem to be discussing Trump in this thread. Has your opinion of him changed at all since you posted this:
That wasn't my opinion - it was someone else's - posted to engender discussion. I simply asked if it was food for thought.
You seem to admire his go getting stance here:
The question was //Is he proving to be a politician who's as good as his word?//

Try again.
Its not looking too good for his supporters / voters at the moment though is it? All those 65 million who expected a new dawn in politics, who expected the little man with no voice to at last be heard, those who wanted to give the finger to traditional politics? Thwarted at the first serious hurdle it would seem.

Geert Wilders is yet another politician taking advantage of this groundswell against leftist liberalist politics that the world's unintelligent people have fallen into to be dragged along like sheep, is that right Mikey??

The world has had enough of the elitist left and that's evident in every poll and ballot box recently, Trump in America, Brexit, the Tories trouncing Labour at the last election, like it or not that is going to continue, it's very simple.

However Mikey, your attacks on those of us who did vote for Brexit and to trounce labour and who think that while he is an arrogant a$$ Trump is the President and that should be respected suggesting a lack of intelligence is pretty arrogant and disrespectful as well, maybe you should apologise.
Mikey, I know you are a staunch Labour supporter, a party which I did not vote for at the last GE. I also voted for Brexit.

But, in line with New Judge's comments, I do not disrespect your decision making nor do I doubt your intellect.

You have your reasons for voting in the way that you do as does everyone else.

Some people have voted for the Monster Raving Loony Party but I wouldn't question why. Maybe it was a form of protest or a disillusionment in the status quo who knows?

In DT's case, 60+ million people voted for him so he made considerable appeal so to question their intelligence is not helpful. These people voted for change, whether that will prove to be costly in the longer term remains to be seen. Early signs are fraught in some ways but it is still too early to evaluate.

There is always scope for change, eventually. How many times have we seen bye-elections, sometimes close to a GE, where people voted for change but then reverted back to type?

Some election outcomes cause big surprises but it would be erroneous to suggest that such results are achieved by a majority faulty reasoning.

Neither Mikey nor me nor you Vortex, have the means to prove whether faulty reasoning is bringing about unusual results in elections and referenda, so it isn't erroneous to suggest that faulty reasoning may be the cause, because there is the possibility that it is.
You may argue the case either way but it will come down to personal opinion which is no basis for debate.
Zacs-Master, after just a few weeks in office Donald Trump does appear to have provoked extraordinarily bizarre levels of hysteria among those unwilling to accept the result of the US election, but at the very least he is attempting to do what he said he would do, and personally I think that is commendable. Others, of course, may prefer politicians who make all the right noises and who, once elected, instantly renege on their promises.
Since when has personal opinion been no basis for debate? I think it's a very good basis; you set out your stall and I'll set out mine. Let's see who attracts more customers.
Zacs-Master - please see my latest thread regarding 'compulsive believers'.

I'd be interested to read your thoughts..
Zacs, just seen your reply thanks!
Naomi, if you want to laud someone who's political acumen is virtually nil, then you crack on. It's one thing to roll your sleeves up and get stuck in but quite another to sit back for a moment and contemplate / understand the ramifications of your actions. One such ramification:

Apologies for the source but I've seen it in much more esteemed news circles.
Oh come on: clearly anyone who disagrees with my opinion lacks intelligence. Goes without saying, or should do.

It didn't take long for Hitler to be introduced into the thread. I suspect many who voted for him at the time, were intelligent; and voted for someone who said he'd make their country strong and influential again. Turned out to be an almighty error but even intelligent people can get it wrong, even if that's clear with hindsight.
Are there no hospitals in Iran then?

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