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Going On My Previous Thread, Could Turky Join

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emmie | 11:58 Sun 12th Mar 2017 | News
33 Answers
the EU at some point.


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Erdogan's deluded master plan isn't for Turkey to join the EU but for the EU to become part of the new Islamic Ottoman Empire which he dreams of building with him, of course, as the grand sultan ruler. He has told the over three million Turks in Germany, that they may co-operate but they shouldn't integrate

He has 10,000 military, police, reporters and academics under lock and key, the guy is a dangerous megalomaniac.
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khandro, so it would seem. He does seem very dangerous and volatile.
Exactly Khandro but unfortunate the Burxelles metropolitan elite are so far up their own backsides they cant see what is happening.

An Islamic caliphate across Europe is not so far fetched as some would think, and it will happen quickly once started.

lol when I started on this website people were assuring me Britain would be under Sharia law within five years. And yet it still hasn't happened.

I am sooo disappointed.
But you agree Erdogan is a dangerous megalomaniac though, jno?
// they won't have to before long they are already in!//
yeah dat fing ! dey in dey are almost

o god why cant AB editor dicate that posts have to be in English ?

it seems very unlikely that Turkey will be accepted into the EU
it seems more likely that Erdogan ( T) has realised this and is pursuing a policy that he thinks will be more in Turkey;s interests ( and of course his own personal interests )

this leaves Turkish workers ( gast arbeiter -oops sorry wrong language but no one will notice - Naomi doesnt do Dutch let alone German ) a bit out on a limb.

the turks have been rioting in Holland
about a domestic Turkish issue
which shows they dont think they are really Dutch
but they think they really are turkish

and this plays into the hands of Hairt Vilders
and his isolationist policies

which everyone couldve kind of predicted
et cui bono ? aargh Latin ( and to whose good ? ) Nigh and Vetuste will go maaaaad ! English only pliz
the only one who benefits is ..... said hairt vilders

[ 3T hairt vilders who he den ? hairy who den.... he dat hairy ting dat - dat - did dat did he ? dat one yeah innit ! ]

we will have to wait and see
PP Perilous words! I understand 'gast arbeiter' perfectly well.....but........ If it is to be answering in English - vous serez perdu mon choux! :)

Khandro's answer made me sit up a bit, I think he's right.
Naomi doesnt do Dutch let alone German ) a bit out on a limb.

How do you know?
she may like to pay her share.
PeterPedant seems to be having yet another of his strange moments.

I agree with Khandro. Erdogan is a dangerous man.
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doesn't mean it won't happen.
Perhaps jno doesn't agree Erdogan is a dangerous megalomaniac ... she could be a fan.
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very much doubt it.
Turkey, officially, is a candidate for full membership in the European Union. It is also negotiating with Brussels a deal which would allow millions of Turks to travel to Europe without visa. But Turkey is not like any other European country that joined or will join the EU: The Turks' choice of a leader, in office since 2002, too visibly makes this country the odd one out.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is now campaigning to broaden his constitutional powers, which would make him head of state, head of government and head of the ruling party -- all at the same time -- is inherently autocratic and anti-Western. He seems to view himself as a great Muslim leader fighting armies of infidel crusaders. This image, with which he portrays himself, finds powerful echoes among millions of conservative Turks and [Sunni] Islamists across the Middle East. That, among other excesses in the Turkish style, makes Turkey totally incompatible with Europe in political culture.

Burak Bekdil

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