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Going On My Previous Thread, Could Turky Join

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emmie | 11:58 Sun 12th Mar 2017 | News
33 Answers
the EU at some point.


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sorry sticky keyboard, that should be of course Turkey.
I doubt it the route Erdogan is taking Turkey.
Civil war before joining the EU is more likely.
they won't have to before long they are already in!
'At some point' is undebatable.
Turkey will probably get in, the question is 'Which countries will still be in when they do?'
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so you think they will join, seems inconceivable at the moment
Weren't we transferring our membership over to them ?
Unless it implodes the EU will gobble them up at some point. Surely the EU stranglehold on poorer countries will mean they toe the line and become good lapdog puppies for their Euro bailouts.

Wouldn't it be far better for the EU to take them over now and stop the ramshackle mess Turkey is in at the moment?
//seems inconceivable at the moment//

Yes but a week in politics is a long time.
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so it is.
/// Unless it implodes the EU will gobble them up at some point. Surely the EU stranglehold on poorer countries will mean they toe the line and become good lapdog puppies for their Euro bailouts. ///

Do you honestly believe that?

This is a mainly Islamic nation we are talking about, what with the increasingly Islamic influx into Europe that we are now seeing, it is almost on par with the Moorish invasion of Europe 13 hundred years ago.

And even if we release ourselves from Europe, it is still something that we should be concerned about even in the UK.
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i think something similar..
It was always very unlikely. Now it is not remotely possible.
We are leaving the EU, so it doesn't matter, But Theresa May wants Britain and Turkey to be closer partners.

// The Prime Minister confirmed that Britain and Turkey are to set up a joint working group to prepare the ground for their post-Brexit trading relationship. //
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a case of the devil you know, there are worse people to get into bed with presumably.
This thread on AB was 10 years ago.

My answer then still applies.
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we are 10 years on and the EU is a whole different ball game.
Frankly I can't see them ever joining. Islamic countries, even ones that are toward the liberal end of the spectrum for them, are just not compatible with free democracies. I can't see them ever meeting the EU criteria. Also I think the EU itself will implode in the next decade or so anyway.
But the EU has been shipping in Muslim immigrants by the truck load, wont be long before the European Caliphate the Islamist's desire comes true. Just by stealth rather than war (Bit like Germany has done so ironic really)
highly unlikely. France is home to a large Armenian diaspora, and the Armenians hate the Turks; so France will almost certainly continue to veto it.

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