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Laptop Ban

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Khandro | 07:57 Wed 22nd Mar 2017 | News
45 Answers
Does Trump's ban now look not quite so 'outrageous', or can we expect crowd demonstrations in protest?


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But more planes are offering wifi onboard, Gromit. That was the point of my question. Aer Lingus offers the service on some of its flights, as an example, as does British Airways
From your Daily Mail link you have just posted

// ...electronics, including laptops and tablets, will be indefinitely banned from the passenger cabin, and must be checked in checked baggage if they are brought on the plane //

You seem to be having a bit of a problem understand what that means. The devices are NOT banned from the plane, they are permitted to go in the hold.
"he not only banned the laptop from those countries, he banned the owners as well ! "

Er no, not really. He only banned certain people. All laptops etc were not banned.
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If you ban the people, you ban their laptops, isn't that correct?
But what I want to know is, where have all those virtue-signallers crying "Racist!" gone?

Why are you persistently being obnoxious?

I did not say "the devices were banned from the plane".

I will put an end to this diversion, you know exactly what I meant.

Why didn't you attack Khandro for his headline LAPTOP BAN?
After all we all know (except you of course) that Laptops haven't been really been banned, because if one cares to read further, one will notice that they have been banned from being taken by their owners into the passenger cabin of certain planes, coming into the UK from certain countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

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