In the morning I usually check Reddit and use google to check more sources for news I am particularly interested in. I subscribe to r/news, r/russia, r/worldnews. I also spend about an hour every day reading Russian news sites but this is mostly to keep my language practice up (, nezavismaia, and sometimes BBC Russian in case anyone cares). I also subscribe to daily updates from meduza (mostly in English) and try to read the Economist every week but usually end up putting it off or not getting around to it. There's also some American podcasts and youtube channels I follow (Foreign Policy, David Pakman, some Slate stuff), but they're really a weekend thing.
If there's a breaking news story the first place I'll go is BBC. For in-depth - Economist, Bloomberg, or just sources relevant to the particular topic.
I watch QT (AKA "the clapping broadcast") most weeks, but that's not really for the purpose of becoming informed...