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Usa Have Fired Missiles At Syria

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trt | 01:24 Fri 07th Apr 2017 | News
138 Answers
Bluddy hell, that was quick.


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Assad the Butcher has been committing war crimes on an unprecedented scale for years. The world has just stood around muttering but not actually doing anything. I am far from being a Trump fan, but handsome is as handsome does as far I am concerned. I give my full support to this action.
04:14 Fri 07th Apr 2017
Assad's a ***? Yes.

How will this help?
Who will replace Assad and to what effect?
Before the conflict Christians, Jews and Sunnis were OK, innit?

i love Trump for all the hating Hillary reasons. But this latest is politicaly and morally incoherent.

What a shame that the choice between "give Iran nukes, anybody can come and bomb us" on the one hand, and this out of control narcissist, but at least American patriot, was the choice offered the American electorate.
Choice right.
A creation of all that stupid denial.

This should have been done years ago !

Try to think rationally about these situations, Mikey.
Assad the Butcher has been committing war crimes on an unprecedented scale for years. The world has just stood around muttering but not actually doing anything. I am far from being a Trump fan, but handsome is as handsome does as far I am concerned.

I give my full support to this action.
I'm with Mikey ...although this is a huge step to take and there will be a price to pay with casualties and our possible involvement, but, this situation cannot be allowed to perpetuate...I pray for the innocents and hope this is over soon
Seems likely to be a one off slap down, and a deep chill in relations. Deaths are regrettable but perhaps it will stop further use of gas weapons.
I despise Trump and think he is a budding autocrat, but this was a targeted and contained action in response to an atrocity. It's a clear warning.

Credit where it's due - President Trump has done the first thing I agree with.
Attacked the airfield from where (allegedly) the planes carrying the nerve gas flew.
Someone needs to stand up to that evil butcher and it looks like Trump's dunnit, innit.
59 missiles aught to give Assad the message!
shame that they didn't flatten Assad's palaces.
I'm afraid that when it comes to a choice between Assad and ISIS I opt for the former.
Perhaps so, JD, but both seem hellbent on on exterminating their own fellow countrymen.
Well done President Trump. It was clear he was going to act. He had no choice after what he said. I hope it is neither too little nor too late. Hopefully he will not abandon his change of policy ultimately to exclude Assad from Syria's future.

Further info here. It says that the Ruskies were warned to get their butts clear before the strike.
Putin is a sleekit toad ! he cannae be trusted and speaks with forked tongue.. plunges the dagger with a smile...
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No evidence that Assad is responsible for the gas attack, what's more there is no credible reason why he should do so at this moment, but every reason why many would wish to discredit him might.
The 'regime change' in Iraq was a disaster, ditto in Libya, why do you think this will be any different? Who will replace him ? everyone wants someone else for religious and political reasons.
Please go and study the history of the Arab world in general and Syria in particular before you start coming up with naive answers.
I can offer you an extensive reading list if you want.
Go on then Khandro.

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