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What Would Have Happened If He Had Been A Muslim?

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dave50 | 11:35 Thu 27th Apr 2017 | News
136 Answers
Would he have still been thrown out if he had been a muslim and said gay marriage was against his religion ? I somehow think not.


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Do you think that homophobic Muslims get a free ride?

Serious question to JTH - do you have any idea why this keeps happening?

I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that you are gay, and you are probably aware of the backlash in PN against the Chechnyan authorities.

Do you think it's simply ignorance that prompts these threads, or bigotry?
Sorry - not just PN, but all over...this has been huge in the past couple of I'm assuming that it's just ignorance on the part of certain AB posters.
yes ! and if he had been Zoroastrian
you know like Freddie Mercury
would he have been pegged out on a Tower of Silence ?

or a singer like Jonny Halliday (that is Shonny 'alliday by the way - he's French and still has to tour to pay his taxes) -
would he have been locked in a cell with s/o like The Singing Nun and subjected to endless repeats of "DOminique- nique - nique "
We used to insolently change that to - Dominque's lost her knickers" but I dont think that is quite the point .....
Peter Pedant

I don't know whether you know this, but you're my hero.
sp ... is it me or have you gone on all religious like lately,
Sp1814 all in one thread you love JTH and Peter is your hero ..are you feeling well have a lie down
Sp, welcome to the PP fan club - we have meetings and they are such fun too.
SP - There are a small but vociferous cluster of ABers who despite disapproving of, detesting, abhoring, etc. etc. Islam and/or Muslims seem pathologically incapable of considering news events on their own particular merits without giving over an inordinate amount of time to imagining what would be the muslim stance, opinion or action on the matter and whether the 'authorities' would capitulate in order not to appear 'discriminatory'.

It is risible to read the 'anti-gay' comments so regularly trotted out here and then the contrary 'oi, you muslims, stop behaving in a beastly manner towards our gay community' statements.

It must get very confusing for them to work out which of us (gays/muslims) they ought to support or deride.

And they seem to misunderstand us both (gays/muslims) in the same wilfull or offhand manner.
FAO sp1814
he Bible makes it clear that God designed sex to be engaged in only between a male and a female and only within the arrangement of marriage. (Genesis 1:27, 28; Leviticus 18:22; Proverbs 5:18, 19)
Peter Pedant is Answerbank's unsung hero.
Danny....the Bible ia ll made-up, otherwise it would only be a pamphlet ::

Ah, found it at last, todays' Anti Muslim Thread, how predictable.
PP, don't forget the words of the song

A l'époque ou Jean-sans-Terre
D'Angleterre etait le roi
Dominique, notre pere,
Combattit les Albigeois

I feel confident that you'd be thrown out of university for breathing a word against Albigensian heretics these days.

Mikey seems to go with the opinion of a cross-dresser, with which of course I have no problem.
How can an RE teacher be penalised for believing what The Bible teaches us?
Homosexuality is not only a sin it is an 'abomination' according to scripture!

PC has a lot to answer for Eddie.
Eddie....the Bible was made up and written in ancient Greek....what does that translate into ?
mikey4444 ///Eddie....the Bible was made up and written in ancient Greek'///
And your proof of this is?...
^ The Bible even rates sex between two men as worse than having sex with an animal, sex with an animal is only a 'perversion' sex between two men is an abomination! Elsewhere in the Bible homesexuality is described as 'the one sin that can never be forgiven'.
Because that is what the surviving documentation shows Danny !

Actually, the New Testament was written in first-century Koine Greek. Most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and other ancient languages, and then translated into Greek.

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