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Jackdaw33 | 15:19 Tue 02nd May 2017 | News
17 Answers
What does it mean? I am lying through my teeth or I haven't a clue what I'm waffling on about?


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I think it's a combination of both. Most politicians start off waffling and then end up lying through their teeth. Another word would be wafflying.

According to'Dictionary.com'
1. to speak, utter, or pronounce incorrectly.
2. to speak inaccurately, inappropriately, or too hastily.

They seem to have missed the real meaning,
"I really haven't got a clue what I'm talking about"
What amazes ME most about politicians is their ability to never answer a direct question given to them, particularly if it is a question most of us would like a proper answer to !! How do they keep getting away with it ... ?
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Vote Corbyn, get Abbott. Even Maggie was never that lucky.
It means, "I didn't expect the question, hadn't done my homework, and had to make a rough, and as it turned out, way out calculation/estimation on the spot in order to avoid admitting I neither had the figures memorised nor with me." You second option is nearest.
I think she got confused - it happens.

Anyone else gets forgiven, but politicians of all colours are not afforded such largesse - fall down on your knowledge of policy and expect to be torn to shreds by the media - as it should be.
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I was going to put a space between Miss and Poke but I thought that would be too much.
What is wrong with Corbyn ? It's time this foolish woman was removed from office so that he( Corby) could have at least a chance of getting out of the mess he is in.
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//What is wrong with Corbyn ? \\

Answers on no less than 10 sides of A4.
I was just reading, a political commentator in Australia said of Mr Turnbull, who was trying to explain Australian values, " he was in full gibbering mode". Seems this a world wide phenomenon.
Politicians of all hue , have got their figures muddled over the years .
Nothing new here .

What is sad is that no matter who gets in ( and barring some miracle , it will be the tories ) , promises are being made which they will quickly abandon , because they will be unable to keep to those promises .

One would be a fool to believe otherwise

It's delusional to believe otherwise
//One would be a fool to believe otherwise //

// It's delusional to believe otherwise //
Should not have been both statements - substitute as you wish .
Watched Daily Politics at lunchtime and Dianne Abbott was very unconvincing.The shame for Labour is that they haven't got a few competent politicians who look electable because a Dominic Raab was on the programme and honestly he was no better.I think if Labour did have some politicians who could get the message across they would have a chance because this Conservative government is not great The sad thing is with Corbyn and MacDonnell there, no one is listening.
The latter. JD at 16.49....I'd have a go, but I've been asked to drive a history display project for the village (funding and grants depend on it) and my fingers and brain hurt already. Sorry, don't want to risk blisters on J.C..
When watching this on the news earlier I had to snigger when they said that JC was 'backing her to the hilt'.

Not the first time he's beeen in up to the hilt with her, is it....?
Thank you. I was just eating my breakfast.

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