I just wish, for the sake of our political system, that we had a really strong opposition that would hold the Government to account and really start to turn the screw.
Of course, if some of the polls are to be believed then Labour are just starting to appear in the Tory's wing mirror. However, it just feels like the same old same old and whilst there are chinks in May's armour, Labour don't give the impression that they can exploit these weaknesses.
Mikey's favourite poll is currently predicting a Tory majority of 92. What should be even more alarming to some is that the same poll predicts the LDs will end up with only three seats!
I'm surprised at the YouGov results according to Murdo's link, to be sure. EC's prediction (still a solid Tory majority) is probably more reliable, albeit maybe suffering some lag from the last couple of weeks.
It's obvious which direction things are shifting. It's rather less obvious if that shift will last long enough to change the result -- either because there is simply too much ground to make up, or because, once again, polls become part of the story and encourage wavering voters less trusting of Corbyn to vote "against the polls" to keep him out.
What centre ground? If it came to a choice between voting for Corbyn or Farron I would opt for Corbyn on the grounds that he seems the more right-wing of the two.
Isn't it a good thing that Labour supporters don't seem to be as massively hyper-sensitive and thin-skinned as a good deal of Leave voters are?
After all, it's constantly insinuated that we're stupid, out of touch with reality, don't understand anything, or just supporting Labour because we've been made spendthrift promises.
Meanwhile even the most placid suggestion that Brexit might not have been a good idea to vote for and someone will invariably come up to screech LIBERALELITISTENEMYOFTHEPEOPLEPATRONISINGBETACUCKTRAITOR etc. etc.
agc. //I wish I knew what all those previous UKIP voters are going to do now... //
I don't know what they will all do, but this one has already voted - for the first time in my long life- Conservative.
How anyone could be dumb enough to want Corbyn, McDonnel and Dianne Abbot running the country mystifies me.