Mr Littlejohn is Katie Hopkins in a suit - with slightly more savvy about when to stop.
The current climate makes his job - stirring up right-wing fear and suspicion - even easier than usual, given his platform.
I read the Mail every day, but I have not read a word he has said for as long as I can remember.
Does anyone recall his 'chat' show, on television, no longer broadcast surprisingly (!) when he was deeply offensive to two lesbian guests, and was put very firmly and properly back under his stone by Michael Winner?
He is a knee-jerk sexist right-wing buffoon, and he is doing what he does best - pronouncing hate bate from his gated community home in Florida.
So I would suggest that anyone can 'tell it like it is' - if all he is doing is creating a summary of terrorism using the book 'Blind prejudice and broad-stroke ethnic-hating for white people with no notion of what the word 'complex' means.
I think people deserve a press which pressurises the wider Muslim community to stand up and speak up, instead of hooting bigoted sarcasm under the laughable banner of 'telling it like it is'.