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Mrs May's New Plans

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mikey4444 | 08:34 Mon 12th Jun 2017 | News
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I understand that lots of the things that were in the Tory Manifesto will be ditched over the next few days......loss of the triple lock for OAPs, and means testing for the Winter Fuel Payment, as well as bringing back Hunting with Dogs, and an expansion of Grammar Schools.

So how will May explain that to the British Public ?


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She wont need to as she wont be around and even if she is she wont be the one deciding these things now it will be the Cabinet. Which should prove interesting.
08:36 Mon 12th Jun 2017
Brexit talks are due to commence next Monday, 19th.

There are now indications that they too could be delayed.
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Does anybody know the constitutional consequences of postponing the Queens Speech ?

How long can it be postponed ?
I would think that delaying the Queen's speech is dependent upon how long Her Majesty is prepared to wait.

Anyway, opposing the contents of the speech will be something of an insult to Her Royal Highness. So what then will be JC's position in the political field, if he goes ahead with his foolhardy intention.

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I bet Betty isn't really that bothered....Monday is discount day at B+Q for OAPS !
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I think most oppositions oppose the content of the speech. However, usually the Queen's speech passes despite this because the government has a secure majority. As for the idea that it's an insult to the Queen -- she has no say in the process, it's just for show, so the only people "insulted" are the government. And if they lose that vote, then they have no mandate and deserve to be "insulted" accordingly.
As usual well said Jim ^
A calm voice of reason in a sea of chaos!
I must be the only pensioner who is delighted that I can now keep £100k of my own money rather than £23k. I am also delighted that well off pensioners will not get the £200/pa Winter Fuel Allowance when they don't need it as I'm sure a better use can be found for it. I'm not that bothered about the Triple Lock as long as we don't go back to the 75p Gordon Brown gave us.
Eddie, ^^^THAT is the voice of reason.
Not really; it's almost certain that the social care plans will be ditched, as it was among the list of things May apologised for in her 1922 Committee apology.

Also, the new plans were for £100k of your assets including your house, whereas previously it was your house + £23k. Since many houses are worth more than £100k, people would likely have lost out (before May introduced the cap on maximum amount you'd end up paying, then pretended that this didn't change the policy).

Let's face it, May has made a complete dog's breakfast of everything and the only way forward for the Tories now is for her to go, and go soon. Can she not see that?
Ladybird nailed a nothing thread at 19.29 and not one responder had the wit or knowledge to acknowledge, less contest the truth contained therein. Bahh Humbug. BA first obsequious reply, best real answer ignored. Par for the course set. Lady choose who you reply to and leave em to it.
Jim, you've got it wrong. Ladybirder has it right.
Well, as I say, it won't matter anyway Naomi because the policy ain't gonna happen. But I'm not sure why you think lb's right and I'm wrong -- one need only go to literally everything anyone's ever said on the policy to see that my comment is correct. The calculation was going to change, so that your house value was taken into account when previously it was not.
Jim your home is included as an asset; it was £23k including your house and other assets. I think that's what Naomi means when she says I have it right. It was certainly included in my mother's assets when she went into a care home.
Oh and thank you Naomi, and Togo (I think).
Sorry should have said it IS not WAS.
13.51. Thank you gromit .
The manner of the calculation *did* change, although it may have been a little more technical.

For example, see a paragraph about two-thirds of the way down this article (picked because I doubt you can accuse it of left-wing spinning):

The key point I think was that the value of your home was included before but only if you were in a care home; people cared for at their own house were exempt, and *this* is the rule that changed.
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Ladybirder has it right. The 'Presidential' thing muddied waters. Currently you come out of dementia care with c. £23K left. Proposal was £100K left. I know what son-in-law would go for - they've been renting and running a camping site, savings were for old age (he's 50). All but 23K gone. It was badly explained - media went into full 'wolf-pack' mode. He now has no chance of buying.

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