> But only because the Imam and a few others protected him.
I don't know what point you are trying to make. They listened to the Imam and a few others. That's good, isn't it?
My point is that if you drove a van on purpose into any large group of people, you might expect some of that group to get angry about it - whether they were your ordinary placid Englishmen, or anybody else - and you should consider yourself very lucky indeed, and the group you drove into (as a whole) quite unusually forgiving, if you were to come out of it unharmed. If anything, that group is to be commended - not various hotheads within it picked out when, ultimately, they did nothing in the face of considerable provocation and when they could easily have chosen to ignore the pleas of the cooler heads among the group and inflicted severe harm and revenge (in the correct sense of the word) on the driver.
As for why AOG is choosing to find fault in the victims of this crime, rather than the perpetrator, well ...