Technology3 mins ago
Finsbury Park Mosque
Finsbury Park Mosque was, until recently, the home of hate preacher Abu Hamza, eventually thrown out of the country. Judging by today's TV I am now expected to believe that it is the home of moderate, tolerant, enlightened Islamists. Can this miraculous conversion be ascribed to the Prophet, Peace be Upon Him, or to expediency?
Less keen on fatwas, but if you have a curvywa then have her bathed and sent to my tent.
15:28 Mon 19th Jun 2017
preachers the should all be vetted, carefully scrutinised , any hate preaching or any preaching against christianity, jews, gays or our laws etc etc then kick them scumbags to hell out of our midst .
we cannot tolerate them anymore !!
government & police to blame for this whole mess for letting that filthy vile rat choudary and his minions preach openly on our streets .
we cannot tolerate them anymore !!
government & police to blame for this whole mess for letting that filthy vile rat choudary and his minions preach openly on our streets .
Mikey, // the actions of the people present to be applauded.//
The Iman who is credited with saving the perpetrator’s life when he and a few others protected him from the mob perhaps, but that’s it.
. http:// tory/im am-prot ected-f insbury -park-s uspect- as-angr y-crowd -restra ined-hi m-10920 079
The Iman who is credited with saving the perpetrator’s life when he and a few others protected him from the mob perhaps, but that’s it.
. http://
When it comes to Islam moderation, like beauty, can be in the eye of the beholder, Scooping.
Since Abu Hamza got kicked out the mosque has an impeccable record of out-reach, community cohesion projects, interfaith dialogue, open days, photo-shots with Jeremy Corbyn etc. and probably ticks all the "moderation" boxes.
Whether what the mosque actually teaches, and what most of its members actually believe, is moderate in the sense you and I probably understand the word is questionable.
If you want to find out the flavour of Islam being taught at a given mosque there's a directory of the UK's mosques and Islamic cultural centres. Here's the entry for Finsbury Park:
http:// www.mos quedire ctory.c sques/e ngland/ london/ islingt on/fins bury-pa rk/Nort h-Londo n-Centr al-Mosq ue-Fins bury-Pa rk-Isli ngton-L ondon/1 200
You'll note that the "following" is "Salafi - Ikhwan" and that the mosque is managed by Arabs. (Ikhwan is a new term for me. Apparently it was the Bedouin army which helped the house of Saud gain power in today's Saudi Arabia.)
So the imams may well be imported from the Middle East, and they (all) and the congregation (mainly) will have a Salafist bent. Most of us have heard of Salafism: it's the type of Islam taught and practised in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. It is a form of Islam described in Wiki as "ultra-conservative". Judge for yourself whether that phrase is equivalent to "least moderate").
Since Abu Hamza got kicked out the mosque has an impeccable record of out-reach, community cohesion projects, interfaith dialogue, open days, photo-shots with Jeremy Corbyn etc. and probably ticks all the "moderation" boxes.
Whether what the mosque actually teaches, and what most of its members actually believe, is moderate in the sense you and I probably understand the word is questionable.
If you want to find out the flavour of Islam being taught at a given mosque there's a directory of the UK's mosques and Islamic cultural centres. Here's the entry for Finsbury Park:
You'll note that the "following" is "Salafi - Ikhwan" and that the mosque is managed by Arabs. (Ikhwan is a new term for me. Apparently it was the Bedouin army which helped the house of Saud gain power in today's Saudi Arabia.)
So the imams may well be imported from the Middle East, and they (all) and the congregation (mainly) will have a Salafist bent. Most of us have heard of Salafism: it's the type of Islam taught and practised in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. It is a form of Islam described in Wiki as "ultra-conservative". Judge for yourself whether that phrase is equivalent to "least moderate").
v_e Please see my new post;
http:// www.the answerb uk/News /Questi on15576 80.html
But what will the salafists have to say?
But what will the salafists have to say?
//Ikhwan is a new term for me. //
it is an irregular plural of "brother" (akhu) and used in a religious sense - so 'brethren' will do nicely. or brotherhood
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Ikhwa n
it is an irregular plural of "brother" (akhu) and used in a religious sense - so 'brethren' will do nicely. or brotherhood
what I find mind-boggling is that the murderer asked a couple on the way in, "Can you tell me the way to the Finsbury Mosque?" - unfortunately, they led him in, not that they would know that he was a right-wing loon. How must they feel today, not that they were to know he was so hell-bent?
However, you would have thought that this Cardiff-git would have done his homework - it's almost laughable in concept - 'I'm a terrorist - could you tell me the way to....?? (make your choice of landmarks anywhere in the UK or Europe).
However, you would have thought that this Cardiff-git would have done his homework - it's almost laughable in concept - 'I'm a terrorist - could you tell me the way to....?? (make your choice of landmarks anywhere in the UK or Europe).