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Aristocrat Guilty Over Gina Miller Post

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mikey4444 | 18:00 Tue 11th Jul 2017 | News
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There's a time and a place for hyperbole, and it's massively far away from where this guy was standing.
18:50 Tue 11th Jul 2017
Well, it looks like he's going to jail, which is appropriate as he called for someone to kill Gina Miller.

You need to be careful about what you post online.
The fellow is an idiot.
-Talbot- is correct. I am wrong. He only called for someone to run her over, not to actually kill her.

So, that's much less outrageous...I think.
Am I missing something?

Kill ... where is this word Kill in the article?
I wonder who he was referring to when he wrote:

"Please will someone smoke this ghastly insult to this country, why should I pay tax to feed these monkeys?"

Does anyone know who he was referring to?

Was it an actual monkey?

Was it King Kong?

Or that monkey that Keith Allen used to hang out with?

I think we must've been posting at the same time.
Well, I just naturally went ahead and assumed that running someone over with a car wasn't for the benefit of their health.
I bet there are a lot of people who share his sentiments but they don't publish them on social media.
jim, you can't naturally assume when it suits
I'm pretty sure I'm not assuming anything. To call for someone to be "'accidently' run over" is just obvious innuendo. I guess in a court of law he would have got away with the more serious charge that I'm sure would have followed had he been more explicit, but everyone know what you mean when you talk about hoping someone meets with a little accident.
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Jack...I expect that there some people who disagree with Gina Miller.

But I would like to think that there are not many who would like to see her dead, and offer to pay someone to kill her.
I cannot believe that some people on here are defending this idiot .
Although , shouldn't be surprised really
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He is guilty guys...lets no cloud the issue.
It can be quite difficult to run someone over and not kill have to judge speed, distance, where the victim's head is going to land.....concrete is much more dangerous than say...a hedge....
Does the person have an existing condition that could bring on death when you hadn't meant to kill them by running them over.....


Life can be so difficult at times.... :-(
Again ... where does it mention kill?
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Bazile....its the usual suspects !
It can be quite difficult to run someone over and not kill them

Meanwhile, I'm just giggling a little at the compounding of this guy's error by defending himself, with such classics as "saying she should go back to the 'steaming jungle' is a statement of fact," and, "I would not have made any serious threat on an account where I could easily be identified," because, of course, like any sensible person he orders his real hits under a clock of anonymity.
If...Bonkers! a're wrong.....

If it's a signature...... ;-)
look up "byperbole"! - what a lefty love in! PMSL! This is like Clarkson the other month when he called for strikers to be shot! Hyperbole for effect, no one prosecuted Clarkson did they?

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