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Aristocrat Guilty Over Gina Miller Post

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mikey4444 | 18:00 Tue 11th Jul 2017 | News
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There's a time and a place for hyperbole, and it's massively far away from where this guy was standing.
18:50 Tue 11th Jul 2017
// ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, How come it doesn't apply here? //

Er, he has been proven guilty, that is why we are discussing it. Not sure people should be locked up for writing *** on the internet, or the jails would be full of ABers.
I did mention prison food, a little light-heartedly on a serious topic.

We'll see what the outcome is , just glad I'm never likely to meet him.
oh Viscount st Dockhead ?

his father seems to have chosen the right-on name
He has been found guilty of 'menacing communications'

Not 'incitement as Answerbankers have him guilty of.
As there is no mention of him being remanded to Crown Court the maximum he will get is 6 months which is 3 months inside.
I loved - first ABer- - -let a man be innocent until proven guilty
2nd Aber er I agree with that - he's just been found guilty

here is another

//If someone said 'right now shoot him' that doesn't mean kill him does it?//

yes it does or yes it can I am sorry to inform you
famous R v Bentley 1952

Minor has gun pointing at policeman on roof
Bentley a ne'er do well over 21 shouts " let him have it chris"
Chris does - bam bam bam bam bam
noth found guilty of murder
Bentley - shouter - hanged as he is over 21
shooter imprisoned and later released as he was under 16
Never heard of kneecapping the PP?
Sounds like a bit of a rotten egg...

// As of July 2017 he had been declared bankrupt three times, had a criminal conviction for financial mismanagement and two further convictions for malicious communications. //
He has not been found guilty of the crime the baying mob want though PP.

They have decided he is guilty of a more serious crime.
And woe betide anyone who doesn't agree with the mob.
PP, Bentley was 19, not that it makes any difference.

You may not agree that he was calling for Millar to be killed but this is what the judge said, '“I had no doubt that the first post was menacing... You were offering money to have her killed.”'
Didn't John McDonnel once advocate assassinating Mrs Thatcher? Amongst other reasonable policies of course. Jail him.
Was he taken to Court about that?
Shamefully.... No.
He should have been.
Zacs at 21:54, hate to spoil the little anti-Brexiteers roll you’re on there, but I voted ‘Leave’ and I think he’s a twit.
Confiscate his computer, for a longgggggggg time .
// Didn't John McDonnel once advocate assassinating Mrs Thatcher? //

No he didn't. He said if he had a time machine, he would ho back in time and assasinate Mrs Thatcher. Obviously time machines do no exist, so the suggestion that the comment was a serious one, is misleading.

// In the footage Mr McDonnell, who was a backbencher at the time but is now shadow chancellor, recalls how he once “got into trouble” on the BBC Radio Four show Any Questions when running for the leadership in 2010.

He said: “They asked me a question: If you could go back in time what act would you do? And I said I’d go back and most probably - I wanted to say section Thatcher but I said assassinate Thatcher.

“And I’m not joking, this was in Wales, the Any Questions was, and the audience got up [and] I literally got the biggest applause I’ve had in my life. They had to quieten them down before they could broadcast again.” //
He was found guilty of two [i counts ............
.........[i] One [i] of the counts related to a post regarding Ms Miller,..................
[i] The other [i] post Philipps was [i] convicted ] for was in response to a news article about an immigrant in Luton, who was involved in a row over housing.

Philipps wrote: "I will open the bidding. £2,000 in cash for the first person to carve Arnold Sube into pieces. "

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