If an argument is, or appears to be, flawed from the outset, it's not really clear to me what's gained from checking that it is indeed flawed all the way through. That way amounts to spending time that could be far more productively employed. In plotting the Invasion of the Soviet Union in the mid 1940s, for example, which is how I spent my morning. (At least it's time I enjoyed wasting...)
As I see it, there clearly *is* an element of "the Left" that, in trying to combat genuine racism, sexism, etc, goes too far. That's not exactly in dispute. There was a thread yesterday about some moron from Cambridge illustrating the point. But what I think Khandro, and the makers of this video, and just the general anti-PC brigade miss is that it's rather a small element of left-wing politics. A vocal one, and easy to spot, to be sure, but small all the same. But then they use this small element to justify their crusade against "PC" of all kinds -- or, as I prefer to call it, good manners. Perhaps, too, they conveniently forget how the position was even, say, a few years ago, when the basic complaint they make about PC, ie lack of freedom to speak one's mind, applied even more vigorously in the other direction. Still does, to an extent.
I'm not unaware of the issues surrounding "Political Correctness" -- including its exaggerated extent by certain people keen to push the opposite agenda. If this video adds anything to that debate, apart from repeating hackneyed arguments and then tying them to Trump for no good reason, then I'd be very much surprised.
Perhaps those who have watched it could care to point me to some of the original arguments it makes?