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The Jogger

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sp1814 | 14:46 Thu 10th Aug 2017 | News
65 Answers
I can't think what the defence would be.

As a thought exercise - what defence would you give for this chap's actions?


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Agree with Guilbert. There are no separate lanes. Part of the pavement is in shadow. He pushed her. No defence.
you'd have a hard job proving he knew he had a bus behind him: the wonderful thing about London's bus lanes is that they're usually empty outside rush hours. But there ought to be a charge of reckless endangerment or something similar that could be used.
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I think he's stuffed.

Really badly stuffed.

If I were a lawyer and he called me up, I would pretend to be on a teleconference.
Surely there can be no excuse for this behaviour/assault.
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He also had a lot of room to jog past her.

I honestly cannot think of a valid defence here.

...but I'm curious to hear what it will be.
he’s been found and questioned and released NOT on bail. Odder and odder
Just heard on the news, that the man arrested has been released.
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SP....that is what its said just before the Archers !
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I supposed he's been released on police bail.

That would make sense.
SP and Mikey, see Woofgang's post at 18.36.
He will probably end up doing 1/2 hour community service, or a joggers correction course , knowing the soft touch of the UK law, and that is even if the case makes it to court at all?.

///he (bus driver) could have easily ploughed into the traffic coming over the bridge the other way ///

The traffic in the lane the bus swerved into was going in the same direction as the bus.
// He will probably end up doing 1/2 hour community service, .....blah blah yawn [all this comment is crap you know] ......... if the case makes it to court at all?.//

no no - he will probably get a customer care medal from the firebrand leftist islamic Mayor of London !

I mean..... let's be serious
I've watched it a few more times following the 'she sticks her leg out' theory.

It does look a bit like that, but even before that happens he appears to change course slightly to steer into her.
well, the man arrested says he was in the USA at the time and has proof. That sound like a decent defence to me - at least as far as he's concerned.
Well if that's the case the search goes on , hope they find the fellow.

Well i can see why that might have persuaded the constabulary to open the cell doors at the station .

They do say everyone has a double
Just as an aside .
Will the US authorities allow him to enter the states again ; given that he was arrested ?

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