There really is no point descending into "whataboutery", it's shallow and just makes false equivalencies.
A young woman has now been killed, ostensibly over a statue. This question should have been put to bed when the council voted. It's their jurisdiction and their responsibility. A bluddy statue is not worth killing over.
Also I just don't buy the idea that taking down a statue of Lee is "erasing" history, as people keep insisting. Commemoration is a choice, and it is an entirely different matter from simply recording history. Nobody is going to stop writing books about Lee or his role in the Civil War, or making documentaries, or movies, or whatever. Nobody is going to kill Lee as a figure in Southern popular memory. This particular city just chose to stop commemorating him, freely and fairly. There's really no case I can see that this statue represents "history" or its removal anything resembling "erasure." These people are not defending history, they're just using it as an excuse to hate on non-whites. That's why they were chanting "blood and soil" and "you will not replace us" - i.e. nothing to do with statues or history.
And of course Richard "Heil Trump" Spencer was there, as was the KKK's David Duke and all their merry band of followers... the people present were giving Nazi salutes (and also knew, I noticed, that you're supposed to tuck your thumb when you make one - i.e. not just doing it for show, these were committed ideologues).