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Disgusting People, Wish There Was A Law To Stop Them

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trt | 11:20 Sun 13th Aug 2017 | News
251 Answers
The poor kids! :-(

I think their photo's give you a an idea what type they are, and they probably got well paid for the story!


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nothing pixie, that's the point i was trying to make, though it seems to have been removed.
You're just being silly now Jim :-) have misinterpreted or only partly accepted my point.
I was talking about the WHOLE syndrome.....poorly educated, gender identity problems and Lesbian ( I presume) parents.

Of course the "identity gender guy" with good A-levels would be an ideal Oxbridge candidate.....;-)

\\webbo - just to clarify something, are you saying that the parents forced the little boy into wearing girls clothes, or did they just let him choose what he wanted?//

so the parents gave him £20 and sent him down the shops to buy his own clothes,

gave him a tenner and said go and get your hair cut."

Dave. ISN'T being silly.
Kid's four, bit early to write off their education now I'd say.

LOL....that Jim's being silly.
Who decided what are boys clothes and what are girls clothes?
Bigots like me think this is disgusting.
That's because bigots like me (firstly) think this damages the child, and (secondly) being a bigot I'm a very nasty person.

I haven't read all the thread so I may have missed something. However, if you want to know the correct moral view on the matter, then MamyaLynne wll tell you, and if you want the clever casuistry
which validates today's absurdity then Jim360 is your man.

Tradition... I don't see the clothing or haircut as a problem, it's the living one way, while telling your child another which is going to be confusing.

\\Who decided what are boys clothes and what are girls clothes?//

So how do you decide?
"I haven't read all the thread so I may have missed something."

Yes, such as the fact that I already posted suggesting that I was wary of this sort of parenting practice, perhaps?
People form their own moral views, I comment on mine.
Feel that you can rant and rave, fall out and argue about this subject. However at the end of the day it's the parents' choice and just so long as the child is not being starved or abused then I'm OK with the way they choose to raise him.
He/she is not going to have much fun at school. A lot of bullying and teasing ahead.
I agree with Samuraisan. I think this is the first time that bullying and teasing has been mentioned.What about the school rules? Schools have rules on clothing, hairstyles, etc, will they be happy about the way he looks? This question will probably not be answered by anyone but would you really like to have a mother and father that look like this? I might be old fashioned, but I know I wouldn't.
Anyone like to have a stab at my question of 13:21 ?
Wary, Jim?
Me too, mate.
Barsel....neither would I !
Because most people bring up their children with what they believe is right. Bullying and teasing aren't an excuse or reason not to do that.

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