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Disgusting People, Wish There Was A Law To Stop Them

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trt | 11:20 Sun 13th Aug 2017 | News
251 Answers
The poor kids! :-(

I think their photo's give you a an idea what type they are, and they probably got well paid for the story!


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poor little sod. I life of misery awaits the poor soul because of these two attention seeking bigots. The child should be removed ASAP in my opinion but no doubt social services are to busy taking away the childern of hard working families who don't agree with some diktat or other.
surely this is child abuse??
How on earth is it child abuse?

They are bringing up a child who will probably be open minded and non judgemental of others lifestyles. They aren't going to make him gay or force him to be anything he's not.

As long as he's fed, loved and educated...then they are fulfilling their parental roles.

In 2017 people shouldn't have to be in the closet about anything (as long as it's legal)
Star seems a well adjusted child, behaving in the way all do at that age - jumping from chair to chair and playing with whatever toys he fancies at the time.

He has a lovely smile too.
I guess that poor kid drew the short straw in life. I wouldn't be surprised if those two slobs are not into drugs as well.
"He has a lovely smile too"

Or "she has a lovely smile too"

Seems she/he has a choice, most odd.
ummmm, Mamya , I can't believe those posts!
Poor kid. Sad world.
He is a boy as the article states - choices? Yes, we all have those.
Grossly unfair on the child but knew it would get a fair amount of support on here.
Some people are so judgemental!!

Why assume they are drug users?

I don't know the family Khandro, so how could I possibly accuse them of abuse or mistreatment?
She adds: “We don’t tell him who to be. We let him lead us.” Yet when the reporter asks him if he's a boy or a girl he replies he's a boy, but changes his answer when Nikki interjects with: “Or are you just a person?” Yeah right, they let him lead them!
Why is it unfair?

Unfair to me is children born to abusive parents.
A law to stop them what?

Having kids?


Can you be a bit more specific?

If the law were changed, how would it work - would the children be taken into care permanently, or just whilst the transition process was underway?

Or perhaps, those who are planning gender reassignment surgery could at the same time be sterilised, thereby preventing them from having kids?
"Or perhaps, those who are planning gender reassignment surgery could at the same time be sterilised, thereby preventing them from having kids? "

Is it possible to have a surgical sex change and be able to produce a child
I tend to agree with the comments from Ria Cooper, further down. I'm fine with raising a child without gender stereotypes in the sense of letting them choose what toys to play with, and so on, but it seems to me that if you are guiding them to be more open-minded about the choices they make then that's pressure of its own. It's as wrong to tell a boy that they can't play with dolls as it would be to hint that they *must* play with dolls to show how gender-fluid they are.

But in early years it might be relatively fine, as long as the child's identity is respected. I'm wary that Star's being guided towards something that may not be for them. Gender identity, as I keep trying to stress, isn't a choice, it's just who you are.
I don't think it's abusive. It's extremely hypocritical that they tell him not to get "hung-up" on his gender, while Louise is so hung-up on his/hers that he is having operations... They need to make up their minds!
If this child is a boy, then why can't the parents say so ?

Ditto if she is a girl ?

And why "star cloud" ?

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