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Woman Confronts Neighbour Over Nazi Flag

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mikey4444 | 23:52 Wed 16th Aug 2017 | News
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Am just beyond horrified, that people want, and feel confident to fly that despicable flag anywhere nowadays. Did what happened in ww2 not reveal what the evil behind it means in reality:-(
02:29 Thu 17th Aug 2017
Gulliver, Talbot's not mad. It's a good idea to look at all the posts before jumping in. See mine at 08.23.
This is the symbol of the Indian religion Jainism
no evidence from the video so i'm assuming she was wearing a bullet proof vest

Always thought it was illegal to fly a Nazi flag or is that only in Germany?
It is against the law in Germany.Never heard of it being illegal elsewhere.
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lol @ Douglas

TALBOT 07.17, are you completely Mad ???.

Coming from you gulliver ... that means absolutely nothing to me.
ummmm - that Lauryn Hill thing is an urban myth.

She never said that.

However, the rumour refuses to die.
Thanks, SP, I've believed that rumour since the release of her album, which I own btw, glad to hear it's untrue.
// Why would anyone fly a Nazi flag, in America, in 2017 ? //

Back to the OP, because it's a symbol of white supremacy and anti-semitism. He's obviously proud to declare that he supports those ideologies.
ludwig; // because it's [a nazi flag] a symbol of white supremacy and anti-semitism.

The preferred symbol of the so-called 'white supremacists' seems to be the confederate flag in all the photographs I have seen.
What's your answer to the question then Khandro? What do you think he's trying to say by flying that flag in his front yard?
There are many reasons he could be flying this flag, amongst them are:

1) He is a nasty nazi most likely stuck in the past.
2) Out and out nutter
3) He is trying to wind his neighbours up (Neighbour from hell)

Just cant tell from this what it is.

As Khandro points out the Confederate flag is the preferred flag for white suprematists.

//it's a symbol of ................. anti-semitism.//

So I wonder when the labur party will be adopting it then since they appear to be full of anti-semitics?

Perhaps I'm getting my fascist nutters and their preferred symbology mixed up. I may be doing him a disservice by calling him a white supremacist, when in reality he's just an anti-semitic neo-nazi or even a peace loving Jain, Hindu, or Buddhist.

I'd still like to hear what Khandro thinks the man's motivation for flying that flag might be though.
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What a nice man man Mikey.
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I find it amazing that there is so much tacit support for racism here on AB.
Good idea Gulliver. Why not start a question about Brexit?

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