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Woman Confronts Neighbour Over Nazi Flag

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mikey4444 | 23:52 Wed 16th Aug 2017 | News
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Am just beyond horrified, that people want, and feel confident to fly that despicable flag anywhere nowadays. Did what happened in ww2 not reveal what the evil behind it means in reality:-(
02:29 Thu 17th Aug 2017
ludwig; //What's your answer to the question then Khandro? What do you think he's trying to say//
Probably that he's nuts.
What idea was that then Ludwig?
I don't know enough about the man really but I stick with my first reply on this which tallies with youngmafbog's third option on the previous page.
I think that, given the probable personality profile of someone who would fly this flag - confronting him on his own driveway to question him about it is not the best idea.

It's not illegal to fly this flag, and not unreasonably, this man took exception to being questioned about it.

As to why he would fly it - because he can is probably the best answer I can offer.
//What idea was that then Ludwig?//

The one about not spending so much time discussing American Politics but looking at UK issues like Brexit.
Bizarrely, both our previous posts on that seem to have disappeared.
Well, in light of some of the replies here, and on second thoughts I guess we shouldn't jump to any hasty conclusions Mikey. It seems there could be many reasons for flying a nazi swastika flag in your front yard.

To be fair he seems like a nice enough chap.
Because they are nutters.
Mikey, //I find it amazing that there is so much tacit support for racism here on AB.//

I think most of the time you’re reading stuff that isn’t there. What did you think of the video at 08:23 that I posted in response to your earlier question?

This accont from Ben Judah makes sobering reading
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Ludwig....."To be fair he seems like a nice enough chap"

Really ? ....What...someone who has a swastika in his garden ?

How long do you think someone could get away with flying a Swastika in his garden in Britain ?
Mikey, 'scuse me. You've neglected to answer my question at 15:26 - and you did ask.
Talbot, how really truly awful! and it's not the first.
mikey; He's probably never heard of the battle of Vimy Ridge, 61,000 Canadians were killed, I have visited it several times, it is awesome, this guy should be dragged there.
Washington & Jefferson next

I think Mikey might be suffering from one of the blind spots she mentioned. I fully expected him to condemn that racist in the video I posted. Can't think why he hasn't.
I think the young lady is missing the point somewhat in that last video, by not sanctioning the pulling down of statues it does not imply you are showing deference to the people they portray.

^ Too many nots but hope my point is clear.

History is vile in places, we can't expunge that by removing memorials.
naomi ... I find it amazing that there is so much tacit support for racism here on AB.
Me too, Talbot. Shameful.

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