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Do You Agree With The Cafe Owner Or The Boycotters?

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sp1814 | 11:55 Fri 01st Sep 2017 | News
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I'm actually surprised that most here support the idea. Personally, I don't mind kids in cafes, but in places that are traditionally 'adult establishments' (pubs and bars), kids can become an bit of an irritant.

My local cinema does special adults-only screenings of kids' films (e.g. Minions and Despicable Me).

It might sound odd, but it's very popular.
I have to agree with the cafe owner - surely there would be other places nearby that cater for kids.
I love kids SP I just could not eat a whole one!!
Lol there is times when its nice to have an adult only meal but I do like seeing the little darlings they are funny to watch at times.
Well behaved children are a joy.
'joy'! Did you mean 'rarity'?
most parents totally ignore their children running around tables and into staff delivering hot meals to tables -
who gets the blame when they are scalded - the staff have to tell them to stop-very loudly-NOT the parents because they are on holiday! been there many times !! Devon in school holidays.
It depends who they're with, Garaman. :-)
Congratulations and all the best to the cafe owner.
bessieb really? Most parents?
What great publicity for the cafe !!!

I did a search on the cafe owner in Google and it came up on dozens of sites, even some in France, Germany and so on.

Seems to me this was just "clever" publicity for the cafe owner to attract more customers !
Absolutely back him, I'd happliy go there.
It looks like a very nice place. I love the décor.
I think a number of country pubs would close down if they didn't allow for families with children.
Definitely agree with how he wants to run his restaurant/cafe and would definitely support it. We have been to so many child friendly restaurants or cafés where lack of parental control by some is atrocious which ensures the kids under those parents act atrociously too.

Was years ago when people hardly took children to eat out and some who did made sure they behaved and respected other diners.

Good luck to the owner and I hope those who appreciate what he has to offer enjoy the experience.
I agree with Guilbert.....manufactured news to get advertising
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In this case, the owner's motives seem reasonable - he has a ton of stuff that could easily be broken by kids.

But this quote from him is genuinely funny:

"I wanted people to be able to come and discuss the old days and have a nostalgic chat without children running around and distracting them."

There's been many a time I've been chatting with friends about 70s comedies and lost my train of thought because a child has run across my peripheral vision...
Yes Islay - 8 yrs of May to end Oct seasons -most. I was the one saying STOPPPPPP!!!!! very loudly.
I know this is going to make me sound like a dinosaur again, but I can remember when I was quite small, (I am the youngest child) going out to dinner in a "proper restaurant", Lyons Corner House at Marble Arch. It was a huge treat and called for restaurant manners which was a part of the fun.
totally 100% behind the cafe owner. We never forced our kids on anyone so why do people think they can on me.

I suspect a lot of this is the me me me generation who seem to think the fruits of their loins are the best thing since sliced bread and cannot accept they have behavioural issues.

There are plenty of places for kids so why no one or two for adults? Including pubs!!
YMB...everyone is agreeing.

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