Far too close to the truth to be comfortable. There are simply too few British workers to fill the jobs , that is a fact,
Unemployment is at an all time low and EU workers are leaving in their tens of thousands as they no longer feel welcome, plus the falling £ means they can earn as much or more back home.
The number of British workers will continue to fall for many years yet as us 'baby boomers' become pensioners. We need people working to pay tax and thus pay our pensions. I have done my bit , worked since I was 14 , (at 14 I was delivering fruit and veg on an old fashioned trade bike) very seldom with just one job, now at nearly 67 I need to slow down and claim my pension.
As has been explained many times the government does not have a pension pot where all our life times NI contributions are kept so that we are paid out of our past input. They depend on a continuing and expanding workforce who are paying tax and NI to fund our pensions. That workforce is drying up and it will get a lot worse before it gets better.
Now I will just sit back and wait for the inevitable abuse.