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She should be treated the same as anybody else that stabs their boyfriend in the leg with a bread knife.

She'll still have a criminal conviction for violence whether she goes to prison or not, so she may have wrecked her career anyway.
... and ...

... (to bang a boring old drum of mine) ...

... how long would 'an exceptionally talented young man' have been jailed for ... I'd guess at a couple of years - and not suspended either?
NO. Do time like everyone else
sunnyd, it seems if you are a man you don't go to jail for stabbing a police officer
Dave - men do get off as well.
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Regrettably that is true, hc4361 & ummmm, but I'd lay 100/1 against it having happened in this case, given the circumstances and seriousness of the wounding.
She stabbed someone - whilst in a drug fuelled temper tantrum - what part of "she should *never* be a doctor" is so hard to understand?
She was found guilty, so imo she should not be allowed anywhere near an operating theatre.
She should be given a prison sentence as a punishment, ygritte.... otherwise how many angry addicts should we not send to prison for a crime because..........
Prison won't do him/her any good....let's just treat the anger or addiction?

She didn't care about her possible medical degree long before this event so it's her fault if she doesn't qualify.....
There's no guarantee she would have been sent to prison even if she was a chav.
We discussed this same case a few weeks back when her case was first heard, this is just the sentencing hearing .
But as said she now has a conviction for violent assault, it is that which is going to be on her record. The sentence being suspended or not will make very little difference. She will still have it on her enhanced disclosure which will make working in the medical profession very difficult. She can never work with children or vulnerable adults which will be a problem for a doctor!
I'm with jack on this - in two minds.

The law decrees a prison sentence for the offence, but if we look at the wider picture, she has addressed her drug issues successfully, and I am a great believer in redemption.

If she is to be punished, the loss of her potential surgery career will do that, I'm not sure a custodial sentence will add to the punishment she is already getting, in terms of making her understand more fully the gravity of what she has done.

//making her understand more fully the gravity of what she has done.//

I would hope someone of her alleged intelligence would be in no doubt about the gravity of what she's done. She should be treated the same as anyone else in that situation.
Her lawyer said that she's now so recognisable she can't go clubbing in London any more.......that's perhaps not a bad thing....x
gness - // Her lawyer said that she's now so recognisable she can't go clubbing in London any more.......that's perhaps not a bad thing....x //

I know the defence barristers are bound to use any and all arguments they can find in defence of their client, but frankly, using some dubious sort of negative pseudo-celebrity to a judge who probably thinks a 'club' is somewhere quiet with newspapers, brandy, and leather sofas, is not something I'd be inclined to rely on!
no.. she ought to have felt the full arm of the law..she'll behave in this manner lesson learned...had she been remorseful then she would not want to go to clubs at all , but concentrate on her studies and keep her head down.....sincerely hope she does not succeed as a surgeon and come up here !!
they should apply the first maxim of surgery - "If in doubt, rip it out"

there's doubt here, she's mucked up and couldn't it happen again? So no, out,

Unless there's a job for her in Afghanistan or somewhere......
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If, ygritte?....But she has...a short suspended sentence .......laughable...... :-(

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