I see that we were entertained with statistics earlier. Provided by Richard Murphy (courtesy of Kromo) the "accountant" to the TUC. What the bald "figures"(as yet not verified) fail to tell us is. When layboor were borrowing, was there a limit set on their credit splurge as by the very wary creditors? What were the rates of interest and API? Were they forced to flog off our gold reserves to unknown(yet) buyers at knock down prices in return for such loans? Notice that they only ever paid back loans just after winning elections after inheriting good rates after a Tory Government. But always borrowed vast amounts in panic when they knew that they were goosed, leaving as was once famously highlighted, notes in the petty cash tins that "sorry there is no money left" for the Tories to once again settle. Lies are easily believed by liars, they fail to recognise them as such.