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Should This Savage Be Granted Compensation?

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anotheoldgit | 14:53 Tue 31st Oct 2017 | News
69 Answers

Well one of the judges seems to think highly of him.

/// 'He forms relationships easily,' the judge said. ///

/// 'He is charismatic. There is intelligence suggesting that he has had some influence on the conversion to Islam of some individuals.' ///

/// The judge added: 'There is a large group of people who look up to Adebolajo.' ///

Ah! that's nice isn't it? So pleased that he is getting along.

/// Mr Justice Langstaff said Adebolajo had not been given legal aid to pay for lawyers to represent him. ///

/// He said Adebolajo might have to represent himself at any trial and suggested that it would be in the interests of justice if public funding could be given. ///

/// 'If and when this case comes to trial it will be a great pity to justice, and in particular the presentation of the claimant's case, if some means were not found to ensure he had professional help,' said the judge.
'If that could be done by public funds all the better.' ///


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jackthehat was correct in criticising your interpretation of the article.

The judge wasn't praising Adebolajo. He was merely stating facts. Some of the world's worst villains have been charismatic. That's the source of their power.

Hitler was extremely charismatic.

(Yes, I know - Bodwin's Law and all that...)
No - and if the law allows it the law needs to be amended -urgently.

(SP, I think you'll find that's Godwin's Law - and a load of nonsense it is too!).
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It's almost impossible to be rational when a case involves someone so obviously evil, but there have to be rules about treatment within the system.

I do like the idea of any successful claim being awarded to Charity though.
Thank you naomi24. I think there is a Bodwin’s Law, but it relates to something else.
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I'm with mamya at 18.18 regarding any potential funds - but my answer is still a resounding NO.
I wonder at the emasculation of the worst in our society, locked away and with time on their hands, that they can't deal with vermin like this.
Lost his teeth...shudda been his head. If he wins compo LRigby family should claim it.
The only ‘compensation’ he should get is a bit of cosmetic dentistry to correct his broken teeth.
Preferably by making them all match by pulling out his remaining teeth.
Without anaesthetic.
Mamyalynne, //I do like the idea of any successful claim being awarded to Charity though. //

And who's paying the compensation? Us. By simply keeping him alive he's costing us far more than he's worth anyway. On principle this shouldn't be happening at all.
Naomi - // And who's paying the compensation? Us. By simply keeping him alive he's costing us far more than he's worth anyway. //

The price we pay for being a civilised society and not sanctioning state-enhanced murder is that we, as tax payers, pay to keep prisoners alive.

Personally, I believe that is a price worth paying.
Very noble of you.
Naomi - // Very noble of you. //

Nobility has nothing to do with it.

We can regard human life's worth as being measured in the cost of keeping a prisoner alive while he serves his sentence, or we can take a view that human life is not measured in monetary terms, nor should it be.

We can act with a casual disregard for life, as some on here clearly do, but in my view, that lowers us to the mentality of the extremists, and I don't want to ally my thinking with theirs.

It's a matter of conscience, not 'nobility' - but I know you are more than intelligent enough to know that, and disappointed that you felt the need to be sarcastic about it.
And your thoughts on him receiving compensation, Andy?
" The judge added: 'There is a large group of people who look up to Adebolajo.' "
If the Judge is only stating facts, as some have said, who are these people and how does the judge know this is a fact?
ummmm - //And your thoughts on him receiving compensation, Andy? //h
I believe that if the prisoner's counsel can prove that he has been illegally treated, then compensation is his right, but whether or not that compensation should actually go to him is another matter.

Perhaps such compensation should be offered to the victims of violent crime - I am sure that the prisoner would not object.

While the self-righteous brothers queue up on here to try and outdo each other in terms of who can be the most morally outraged, combined with who can invent the most painful retribution, I reiterate the point I have always made in situations like this -

Our laws are what make us civilised, they are what make us different from the terrorists. Those laws has to be applied fairly and without favour, or they become meaningless.

The law dictates that the punishment for murder is incarceration, not incarceration without rights, or inhumane treatment and so on.

Do I find it repugnant that this man has recourse to law? Yes I do, but I find the alternative far more unacceptable, so I will accept it, and accept the legal process and decision when they are completed.
goodness knows Vulcan.

I hope he gets his claim thrown out.

On the plus side, if he has to represent himself at any trial, hope he makes a mess of it.
(although, I think various lawyers might take his case on free of charge)
I assume the judge has read statements from the prison wardens/guards.
These scum do nit deserve human rights they gave up that right when the butchered Lee Rigby, by all means let him go for compensation then award damages of 1p.
To my mind they should be quietly taken out into the yard and shot.
This country is getting far to soft with these animals.

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