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Question Author experience is the same. I came from a working class background, and most boys smoked.
You can be as anti smoking as you like Mikey , nothing wrong with that.

In the past you have called those of us who smoke, uneducated,thick and oddly at one point 'infantile' (Hello?).

Now once you start that you rapidly lose the support of those you seek to convince.

Your hobby horse, your right but don't expect everyone to approve of your methods of getting your point across.
Question Author
Jack....I haven't suggested that all uneducated people smoke and that all educated people don't. But the trends are there. See this from ASH-Wales ::::

Question Author
Mamy....its almost impossible to discuss smoking rates in Britain, without seeing the differences between different groups of people. It might make some people uncomfortable but its the facts nevertheless.

As I said before, if you can find another phrase that suits, rather than uneducated, I would be more than happy to use that in the future

How about "socio-economic status", or perhaps "Inequalities"

Study the data from ASH....its all there.
I know the findings , I'll leave you to it, I have said what I think above the situation in the USA.
At work I delight in moving smokers from a no smking area especially if its pouring wet.

To those of you that are smoking, please bear in mind that you don't actually have to be in the process of smoking to anoy us non-smokers - just standing in the same queue - you reek of smoke.
Question Author please you, I will try to use "lower socio-economic groups" next time this subject comes up, as it seems to be the PC way of describing the people most likely to still be smoking.

I trust that I haven't offended you unduly, as that was very far from my intention. If I have, than I will apologise !
Really excelling on this thread ... marvellous to witness.
^^ :-)
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lol Dave !
I don't do offended Mikey.

Exasperation is more likely.
I began smoking at 17 on a six week sea voyage. It cured sea sickness & I still smoke & possess a bus pass!
Question Author
Tambo...good for you !
Not happy being a smoker but its hard to stop. Taxes from my cigs would dent the economy
^^ lost taxes
Ash produce a set of figures as fact no doubt Forest can produce the opposite as facts. As a smoker since 14 and now approaching my 3 score plus 10 years I know it is harmful but my choice.
I suppose smokers could just not buy newspapers and carry on.

In any event if the gangrenous foot picture I've seen on packs doesn't hit the spot, no amount of guff created by a bearded sort in an agency will help.

In conclusion, this report is in an Indian paper. No interest nearer the target market?
Well that’s not hypocritical at all!

It’s like the nra saying buy one of our Ak 47’s but bullets kill.
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Baza....FOREST is a industry-financed pressure group, whose only aim is to see that industry flourish.

I am old enough to remember FOREST appearing on Panorama, Newsnight and other serious current affairs programmes, saying that there was no causal link between smoking and ill health, even though the evidence was overwhelming.

Of course, now they cannot maintain that line any more, and instead insist on their cause being all about "freedom of choice"

But that is as disingenuous as it was years ago, when they lied about the situation. It was, and always has been about the profits of the industry, and industry that is killing its own customers, by the millions every year.

Here is a potted history of FOREST :::
Question Author matter where this news comes from, it is a fact that a US Court has ordered that the tobacco industry runs ads "correcting" years of lies.

But to please you, here are some other publications that are giving out this news :::

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