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Question For Gromit............

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ToraToraTora | 11:26 Fri 08th Dec 2017 | News
85 Answers
Have you ever supported the UK on any subject? Have you always sided with the opposition on every little detail? Have you always spun our wins as losses and our losses as catastrophies?


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Saint Nigel has already answered that one:

// Nigel Farage said back in May 2016 that 52-48 win for the Remain side in the EU referendum would be "unfinished business".

In an interview with the Mirror the Ukip leader said such a narrow margin would prompt him to fight for a second referendum.

He said: "In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it." //
that is Farage, but what about the rest of us Brexiteers, we wouldn't have had any more say in it.
Yes Thanks Emmie....getting them mixed up ! Hope my meaning was clear though.
//£50billion is a lot more than I, even at my most pessimistic, thought we would paying.//

In the first sabre rattlings of the negotiation the EU were talking about 120 billion, and the UK said it should be less than 20. Therefore 50 billion is just about bang on where I (and no doubt they) expected it to end up, being somewhere in the middle.

We all know that's how negotiations work.
It's quite obvious what Brexiters would have done after the opposite result of June 23rd. Having spent a great portion of the last year, if not in some cases their entire adult lives, fuming either at the decision to join the EC in the first place or fuming at what it became after the Maastricht and/or Lisbon Treaties, and passionate about rescuing the UK from its position of virtual slavery or subservience at the hands of the evil EUSSR and its Stalinesque overlords, would have shrugged their shoulders, gone "oh well, guess it's fine for the UK after all to stay in the EU, hurray for common policy objectives!" and never cared again.
I'll be shot here, but of course the referendum rule should have been two thirds majority for Leave.
Trouble was, Cameron was so sure he'd win he went straight into the thing without thinking it through properly.
Interestingly, Dominic Cummings, the evil genius of the Leave Campaign, has acknowledged that if Cameron had not rushed into a referendum in June 2016 then Leave would have lost.
// Trouble was, Cameron was so sure he'd win he went straight into the thing without thinking it through properly. //

True. Theresa May made the same mistake with the general election.
People are just not voting the way they're supposed to these days.
but we didn't, no matter the if's and but's.
Britain were not prepared for a leave majority,this is why May and her government appear useless its all uncharted water. May is totally out of her depth as leader, no one wants the job, its just too difficult for them, so would labour do any better? No..
// EU were talking about 120 billion, and the UK said it should be less than 20. Therefore 50 billion is just about bang on where I (and no doubt they) expected it to end up, being somewhere in the middle. //

I never saw the figure of 120 billion. The often quoted figure for the past year was €60 Billion (£53 Billion). And that is what they got.
//The truth is, the Leavers, despite campaigning for four decades to exit the EU, did not have a clue how this process would happen, and how much it would cost. Now we know. Many leavers are delusional, saying we can walk away without honouring our debts, and we can build a beautiful big border wall to keep the EU out. As is now apparent, we cannot do either of those things. //

Third year English grammar - rhetorical language - spot appeal to emotion and prejudice rather than to reason - spot dishonest misrepresenation.

Any thirteen year old in my class would have had a field day with the extract I've cited.

Daily Express just a few months ago:

// Senior sources in the Government have said that the £36 billion figure is “wrong” and former Brexit minister David Jones accused civil servant of trying to “bounce” ministers into paying too much.
The Daily Express was told that £36 billion is “much higher” than the real figure being considered.

The minister said: “We could cope with paying about £10billion as a goodwill gesture to smooth things over." //
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mikey: "TTT.......why do you describe anyone that doesn't agree with you, especially when it comes to the EU and Brexit, as "siding with the opposition" - not a question of disagreeing with me more a question of denigrating all the efforts of the UK and praising the opposition, what would you call it?

"In addition, you describe anybody that voted Remain as some kind of "anti-British" or even worse "Vichy British"

those are the correct terms for people who would rather have a demonstrably corrupt, largely unelected, foreign power to run our country and actively collaborate to further that aim. Again, what would you call it?
Hyperbole, on a grand scale TTT.
The 'divorce bill' is not £50 billion it is between £35 billion and £39 billion.
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anne; "TTT, appears not to be a happy chappie today, ( I wonder why) for some reason he has decided to abuse gromit. Hey ho :-) " - no abuse, more curiosity I have genuinely never seen gromit write a good word about the UK, he has above, so fair enough and it seems he is taking this thread in the manner it was intended.
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"I never saw the figure of 120 billion. The often quoted figure for the past year was €60 Billion (£53 Billion). And that is what they got. " - there you go, prime example from gromit, denigrate us praise the opposition, "and that's what they got" na na nana na! . Gromit the figure a few months ago was £100bn.
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mikey I'd still like to know what you would those things.
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* call those things!

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