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So 3 Women Say That Donald Trump Has Been A Naught Boy In Sexual Groping Etc....

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DTCwordfan | 22:01 Mon 11th Dec 2017 | News
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Are we surprised?

Any comments to him?

BBC intermediate news at 9 the source.


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Naomi you replied as I expected ,
anneasquith, you always reply as I expect. are clearly coming down in favour of the abusers, as all your comments have demonstrated.

You probably still think that the case against Savile is not proven....after all, he was never prosecuted was he ?
Anne...Naomi is "always right", and never accepts that she might be wrong....ever.

She will continue to support this Ogre that they have in the White House, no matter what he has done.

You should know that by now !
Mikey, you do talk tripe at times - you really do - but any port in a storm, eh?

Read Deskdiary's post at 13.13.
See what I mean Anne !
Mikey, just seen your latest post. This isn't about me - so don't attempt to make it so. are supporting Trump and refusing to give any credibility to his detractors.

He said the following :::::

Explain to us why you are supporting the man that is capable of saying these words :::

"When you are a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want, grab them by the P****."
Naomi - it's ALWAYS about you.
Mamya....yes i was joking

Ummm, have you come to do a bit of bullying? Well find someone else cos I'm not interested
There is no question that Savile was an evil predatory scum bag. I think everybody is in agreement on that.

Savile brought about Operation Yew Tree, so let's look at what happened to Jim Davidson...

Two women accused him of having sex with him in the 1980s - at the time they were in their 20s. The allegations didn't gain any traction and disappeared, in all likelihood because they were false, however, the stigma was there and people wanted it to be true because of who it was, which is a very petty, small minded point of view to take.

If the grown women he was alleged to have abused over a quarter of a century ago were that upset by their ordeal, why not accuse him when it happened?

More importantly, in my view, people like this are doing a massive disservice to real victims of abuse.

So I will question the motives of some people - but to confuse this with defending the alleged abusers is entirely incorrect.
Couldnt care of Trumps morals so long as he adheres to his word that UK is first for trade deals after Brexit
DD....Savile abused 1000's of people, mostly women but the occasional schoolboy, over a period of nearly 60 years.

At the time, Savile was akin to a saint, raising millions of pounds for good causes. Who would have believed any body making complaints, of a person that spent Xmas with the PM at Chequers ?

Actually, some people did complain, but their complaints were neatly "shelved" mainly due to his close relations with the various Police forces that he can into contact with.

The case with Davidson is entirely different.
There is a variety of reasons victims don't come forward at the time.

Baths...what are you talking about?
Ummm, you appear to be a bully on here, I'm sure I'm not the 1st to mention that.
Savile abused under BBC umbrella. Best you blackball radio 4 mikey
I think you've missed one of the points I was making.

I am in 100% entire agreement with you about Savile.

The point I was making about Davidson is that I am of the view that, without question, some people will make false allegations. Whether the motive be money, celebrity, revenge for a past slight, is immaterial, but what is material is that there will be some false allegations, and unfounded allegations have consequences, be it an ongoing stigma (the 'there's no smoke without fire' reaction), the loss of a career, the loss of family or, in extreme cases, the loss of life.

If all the allegations against Trump are proven to be true (and I have big doubts that they are all true), or for that matter if just one allegation is true (which is more believable) then he deserves all he gets. I, and everybody else on this thread, has no idea whether they are true or not, and yet many have already made up their mind because of who he is.
I fully appreciate the point that you are making, regarding false accusation DD........But Trump has form in this area though, doesn't he ?

Naomi is still giving him support, despite what he said in the 13:30 link.

Are you ?
As bad as it probably sounds, I have no strong opinions about Trump. I have no idea whether he has done what he is being accused of, so no, I am not supporting him, but given the allegations are to date unproven, I'm not condemning him either.
Regarding Baths comments...I too wore very short minis, and also hotpants. I sure as hell did not "expect" to be groped. This was in NYC in the late '60s. In ad agencies. Expecting it still does not excuse it.
And I'm baffled by your comments regarding hmmmm.

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