I think you've missed one of the points I was making.
I am in 100% entire agreement with you about Savile.
The point I was making about Davidson is that I am of the view that, without question, some people will make false allegations. Whether the motive be money, celebrity, revenge for a past slight, is immaterial, but what is material is that there will be some false allegations, and unfounded allegations have consequences, be it an ongoing stigma (the 'there's no smoke without fire' reaction), the loss of a career, the loss of family or, in extreme cases, the loss of life.
If all the allegations against Trump are proven to be true (and I have big doubts that they are all true), or for that matter if just one allegation is true (which is more believable) then he deserves all he gets. I, and everybody else on this thread, has no idea whether they are true or not, and yet many have already made up their mind because of who he is.