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I wonder if most of the spectators in the pic in the OP's link were English or Aussies? It would be just like our lot to take advantage of the sun even though it's blisteringly hot. Or maybe they're Aussies thinking "Ooh, it's a little bit warm today, but still ok."
20:23 Sun 07th Jan 2018
Lordy! I wouldn't go out of the front door.
Yep. That’s a bit hot. I was in LeMans France around 2003 and it was 41deg at half six at night. Breathing is hard work.
it certainly melted England's cricketers. But would you prefer to be there or New York at the moment?
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my friend who phoned me from Australia before Christmas said that she found it too hot and was staying in doors more, then it had reached 40, this is going some to top that.
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nowhere to be honest. These extremes of heat and cold seem to be so unusual, can it be we are really experiencing climate change.
It was 45 when I was in Death Valley but that was a dry heat and I was only out of the car for about 5 mins.
I have been looking forward to some sunshine when I go to visit my son in Sydney next weekend but not this :(
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i don;t suppose many in Oz were expecting this either, seems extreme even for their weather.
I couldn't stand being in that heat, it would make me ill
It would be too hot for me.
We all moan about the good ol' British weather, but when you look around the globe, we've got it easy.
We never have the sweltering heat they're currently having in Oz; we don't have it too cold like they're currently having in the US .... then there's the hurricanes, monsoons, extreme dry spells ..... give me the good ol' British weather anytime :)
At least on the east coast of the States, they get hot summers to make up for the cold winters. We just get crap all year round
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i wonder though that our weather is changing, its wetter than i remember as a kid, my o/h said some years ago that's what would happen.. Last year we had nice weather early on in the year, its was only later that it got drizzly and rather grey.
Zacs that's what it was when we were there - only went swimming at night in the thermal pool and I didn't get out of the car during the day!! Hubby did though and loved it!!
Def agree that the weather is changing emmie ..... still prefer the British weather to most other places though .... as bad as it may be at times, it's not half as bad as other places :)
That's nothing, I lived 3 years in Saudi Arabia , right on the Gulf coast. We regularly hit 139 deg F at mid day ,but it was just 40 deg at 6am. When we started work.
It was 139 F with 100% humidity as well! We were told to drink 4 pints of water an hour, if we had to be outside.
I have "done" the Dead Sea/Masada in August and, later, the Syrian desert at well over 43 degrees. No problem.
^ You wouldn't be living on those places though.
I start to flag in the mid 80ºs. Wouldn't consider going out in 117º ! But wouldn't have to. Air con on full blast, pina colada in one hand, a good paperback in the other hand, heavy rock on the HiFi, and "Bob's your uncle".
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