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The leave vote won.

When we have left I have no objection to a party being set up using a ' let's join the EU' message.

Or even a existing party taking on the same campaign.
Incidentally, I am wholly opposed to a second vote. Nothing but bad would come from it.

But we need to be honest about things. The breathtaking arrogance of one side is exactly the same as other had the boot been on the other foot.
sp1814 TTT / -Talbot-

Was Farage wrong to suggest that a 52/48 split would mean a second referendum?

Did he say it would mean a second referendum?
Or did he say he will campaign for a second referendum?
Should be at least 20 in between referendums on the same subject.
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as I said at 22:09, he'd have had to continue, campaigning, same as wee jimmyK, same as CND etc, they keep on trying for their cause because that is why they exist.
More than anything, I wish it were all over.

Like (I think)many people, I had no idea that there would be soft Brexit / hard Brexit...I thought Article 50 would be triggered, we would be out and that would be it.

I totally don’t agree with the idea of a second referendum - I just wish we could all dial the clock forward five years, because Brexit is now becoming a giant pain in the ***.
Got to admit I do feel sorry for the leavers who thought we would be out of the Eu the day after the REFERENDUM, we aint out yet, we will not be out this year, nor next year , Dont think we will ever be out completely
Yes, you hate democracy. dont you Gullibe?

What on earth happened on this thread? Must be a first that number of removed answers!
Not really Bogg.
If the EU continue dictating (rather than negotiating) terms, then we could be leaving a lt sooner than expected.
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Think Branson could have a good point here .
Carrillion, Capita, Coca Cola, Tesco's M/S, Sainburys, Toys are us ,
Burger king Byron, and now U/K car production { lowest car sales since2009]
All in financial trouble and are about to shed thousands of jobs
And we aint even out of the E/U yet
A sane looking man if ever I saw one!....
More on my previous comment about France's President and his view on London financial services post Brexit.
No comment needed it speaks for itself.

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